We are dogsitting a tiny pug. It's just been through my wife's bag and devoured a shortbread biscuit with small chocolate chips. Do I need to do owt? Ta
What type of chocolate chips were they? Dark chocolate is much more toxic than milk chocolate and white chocolate is mostly safe. Bittersweet/semi-sweet chocolate (the type most often used for chocolate chips) is closer to the dark chocolate levels of toxicity. The larger the dog, the more they can tolerate but if it was only one small cookie then it should be fine, just keep an eye on it. Here's a calculator that shows the different levels: http://veterinaryclinic.com/chocolate/calc.html
My retired greyhound ate a full box of dairy milk one Christmas including wrapping paper bits of box and the wrappers on those silver ones,she was walking round house like Groucho Marx stooping down all the time ,obviously without the jokes or cigar,it was quite distressing and we rushed her to vets ,she was ok and survived it,but we learnt a lesson about putting presents under tree especially ones that smell chocolaty