Why not come to Barnsley and have a look for yourself; form your own opinion of what it is (half of it is still stinky greasy spoons during the daytime though)?
Oh, there’s definitely some amazing areas. We go to Golden Acre every Saturday and Sunday with the dog and went this morning. I meant just looking around and seeing fields (which is what I had growing up in Grimethorpe), rather than specifically seeking somewhere out.
not sure why you've posted the picture of the guy with a severe facial deformity- are you mocking him?
I will do, definitely. I just saw the umbrellas and wondered as I’ve heard it mentioned quite a bit and always in a positive way but I didn’t really know what sort of thing to expect.
The reason I chose that particular film character is because facially, it's all prosthetics and make up, rather than an actual person. But I suspect you know that, dustani, and are looking for an argument.
Everything you need to know about Barnsley & it's people is encapsulated in the Barnsley Hospital programme on Channel 5. Everybody born outside the area loves it. Only the people who live, or used to live here seem to disparage the place.
Possibly one of the weirdest posts ever. People who have never been to Barnsley love it. How does that work? If Channel 5 make a programme about hospitals in Guatemala would you love Guatemala?
no, not looking for an argument - whether it's prosthetics or not there are people who are disabled by severe facial/cranial issues - I felt you were denigrating them (clearly you disagree with that) - and begs the question why are you mocking disabled people ?
You’re battling with a council that’s desperate to generate revenue wherever possible due to lack of central government funding and one of the highest social care bills in the Country. Then you’ve got private landowners desperate to cash in on the proximity to the M1. Look at any major junction on the motorway network - they’re all the same. These warehouses can’t all be hidden out of sight. Blame e-commerce. The changes to Birdwell Roundabout were made to support these developments, and the Dearne Valley Parkway was built to aid developments from EU funding back in the 90’s - the roundabout for Starbucks and KFC was redundant for years. The plans have always been there, it’s just been a long time coming. It’s the only way authorities get funding for roads these days, they have to support more developments and more jobs. I do understand some of the negativity from locals, particularly from those that live on Tankersley Lane that had a semi-rural view, but I also hear a lot of nonsense from locals too. Whoever is leading the revolt against the developments should really do a better job of understanding the planning process.
If you are talking about the cafes in the Market Kitchen then I think you do them a massive disservice and are not ‘stinky greasy spoons’ yes they do sell more of the ‘traditional English cafe’ food, but they all have big and varied menus within that. I’ve had some nice meals up there. I think it’s good that you have that option along with the Pizzeria, Asian and other cuisines.
Back off now! It's no secret I have a disabled daughter, so don't come out with that crap, you odious individual. You are bang out of order. The reason I used that particular photo was because I'm unattractive and that particular actor is wearing a prosthetic, so it becomes somewhat self deprecating. I just hope I can meet up with you face to face.
He's pathetic with his constant trying to be the hero for ANY and EVERY minority group he can think of and attacking people randomly just so that he can come across as the hero for them.
That guy is a character in the Goonies, he doesn't exist. It's like being offended by Scarface for being a nasty piece of work, or comparing oneself to the Grinch. Stop causing controversy where there is none. And as big Lil said, he's being self-deprecating. We aren't at the stage yet, as a society, where we can't take the **** out of ourselves by comparing ourselves to a fictional character with good grace, thank God.
The best comparison is Trinity Kitchen in Leeds. We’ve been through a few times recently and it’s a great place to eat as a family. They’ve done a brilliant job of the place.
He’s clearly mocking himself. A bit like a Welsh person does when they label themselves a ‘Taff’. How ironic.