Could I ask anybody who’s had covid how long it took to get to the worse point and how long after that you picked up? My lad’s got it and has felt worse day by day, he’s on his 6th day. Cheers
I was probably the worst from 4th day to the 10th. Every morning I woke up and thought it was getting better then half hour later it hit me again. I'm still getting over it now 4 weeks later, it knocked the stuffing out of me, never felt anything like it before. Hope your lad gets well soon
Lowest bit was about 4 days in felt dreadful for 3 days. Now a couple of months later I’m still missing a sesbse of taste in some things though it’s gradually coming back. Still don’t feel quite right and get tired reslly easily.
I was definitely on the mend after about a week. After 10 days most symptoms had cleared up (and I tested negative), but the cough lingered for a couple of weeks.
The third day to around the seventh were the worst for me. After a week it was almost gone, besides the annoying cough.
Hope your boy starts to pick up soon. Kids generally bounce back pretty quickly whatever is ailing them On the subject of covid has anyone had their booster yet and if so did you get your notification for it promptly six months after your second jab?
My grandparents have both had their booster. It was pretty prompt and almost exactly six months after their second jab.
First four days for me, thought I was a gonner first night then fourth day couldn’t stay awake! The headaches from hell stopped after about 8 days all now pales into insignificance as 4 weeks on coffee still tastes horrible and I can’t taste beer still, also no smell.
For my mother they rang her on a Tuesday and she had it the following Wednesday same time as the flu jab, one in each arm so if it had swelled up or something they would have known which one it was.
That was my experience. Probably didn't feel fully better until three weeks after first getting ill. Absolutely vile illness.
Went on Thursday for my booster jab to the Priory at Lundwood, what the eff as happened at Cundy Cross it took me 1/2 hour from Monk Bretton to get to the Priory something not right there.
Hope he picks up soon. I don’t think you will be able to find a pattern. The impact of the virus seems to depend on so many different factors. Mine was the worst on the 4th/5th nights (horrible sweats). I was clear on Day 8 though the taste issue was only sorted over the next 4 weeks.
I’ve not had it but my 22 year old daughter( double vaccinated) had it in August and my 14 year old son(no vaccine) just had it 2 weeks ago. Both were pretty poorly for about 6 days, started feeling better around day 7 and were pretty much back to normal before 10 days. Slightly different symptoms, son had sore eyes and never lost his sense of taste but my daughter didn’t get sore eyes but did lose here sense of taste, both felt like they’d had mild flu
I was told the 4th-6th days were the worst. When I had it, I woke up on the 4th day with swollen eye lids, and spent all day on the 5th day in bed feeling absolutely drained. I didn't feel normal again though until probably the 8th or 9th day after testing positive. I hope he feels better soon