How many kids have been to your house so far this year? Do they even do it anymore? Haven't had a single one whilever I've had my own house.
Our streets been closed off for a Halloween street party, loads of kids up and down with parents, next street over really gone to town decorating the streets trees too. Big community effort gone into it it would seem.
I love having no kids in the area all year except on Halloween. Always get treats in but never had a single knock in 15 years I’m currently working my way through a tub of Heroes.
Had around 70 kids so far, running seriously short of sweets now. Hope they all go to bed now. I had a few lollies this week, didn't expect such demand. Looking a bad choice, but I do like cola flavoured ones.
I've just told my son to keep out of the treat bowl until 8 o'clock in case the rain stops and we get a load!