The situation was completely untenable and should have been dealt with weeks ago. You can't have players openly slagging him to the press and expecting him to continue in post! He never had the dressing room or any control whatsoever which became more apparent after comments following the Manchester City friendly!
Please do as there was nothing personal in there and it reads completely differently to how you interpreted it.
When I first read Loko's post I read it the same as you and thought 'how does he know nez didn't watch it?' Then, because I thought it was a weirdly arsey thing to say with no proof, I reread it and realized that he meant that others hadn't watched it, offered opinions and were already expecting Moon to do badly (not sure how he knew that about them unless they specifically told him but that's potentially being arsey at unnamed others, not you). Does putting in some commas help? 'Who, unlike you, didn’t even watch the game...' It can't mean you because of the UNlike. If he meant you hadn't watched it, it would say 'who, like you, didn't even watch the game' or would have not written the DIDN'T EVEN and would have instead said 'who, unlike you, watched the game'. It's the double negative that makes it confusing.
I'd now hope to see a big player reaction against derby. my vote would be disco and/or bobby for the rest of the season. can't afford another punt.
Never will I celebrate someone losing their job but hes a dick and never respected our fans from day 1 so good riddance. Off to get pissed on a work neet
Fair overview. But I’d hope the use of ‘unlike’ would make the fact there’s no commas redundant in terms of how it was interpreted. As for the bit about how would I know if people didn’t tell me. Basically they did. Not exclusive to talking about Barnsley just on the BBS. We’re a tiny, tiny fraction of the supporter base who watch games (or don’t in this case).
Obviously, we have no idea how any new head coach would fare, but he'd be hard put to do a worse job than Schopp. We need to start winning immediately, and I think Devaney and/or Hassell would be a good choice, in that they know the players' strengths and weaknesses and have lots of experience themselves of playing in the Championship. We can't afford to get someone in who is going to need time to get to know the players.
There were also occasions, more so with Kitching than Madds, where the CBs could get forward and overlap. I think that was only possible because Moon was dropping in when they did, better than other CMs have done this season thus far.
Schopp it seems succeeded in apparently alienating the players and his team selections seemed bizarre selecting and playing players out of position. The massive change in staff and the injury situation has not helped but Cole never given sufficient game time until the last couple of matches and playing Moon (who is not a midfield player) before others was baffling. For me Brittains and Cole comments indicted how the players were feeling. Anyway onwards and upwards. ........
Moons been the least of our worries so far this season. Lads got the potential to be a good solid player
Like I say I will go through it all tomorrow when beer isn't involved. It felt like it at the time and I will argue the same without beer. But I will afford loko the benefit of doubt and re-read tomorrow. Can't say fairer than that. I will hold my hands up if I feel differently tomorrow. It's pointless me trying it now after even a few more beers is it lol
It might have helped with commas in the right places. That's what they are there for. It should have been "Who, unlike you, didn’t even watch the game ".