Already had that explained in another post. But even without the commas you’ve got to go some to take ‘unlike you’ as a personal attack.
I mean only said let’s eat grandma at the dinner table today and the kids haven’t stopped crying since!
Contract terminated "by mutual consent" is my guess. That way there is no sacking on anyone's record. Owners appear to be good blokes and Schopp walks out with his heald high. Either way we can make a fresh start (subject to confirmation of course!)
Well if rumours are true and the schopps gone any chance we can get a double up before the weeks out and Get Conway and Co on the same stagecoach out of town
Just scanned this thread. Fury directed at Manager. Manger leaves. Fans turn fury on use of comma. Or am I missing summat?
Almost an accurate synopsis. But you used the plural of ‘fan’ and missed the apostrophe. Was just one