Yeah completely agree. It’d be like referring to the people in the other positions as ‘bowlers’ or ‘fielders’. Wait, what….
What’s wrong with batter? Whenever something changes I wonder how people would feel if the change had gone the opposite way. If the term had always been batter and it became batsman, would that change make sense? No, it wouldn’t, as women play cricket too. Therefore, it makes sense to change it. I do this every single time a change like this is made and I’ve not once yet seen it where the change to the older term would have made sense if we were just changing it to that for the first time today.
It's not 1969. But why stop at batsman? Let's introduce footballerman, goalkeeperman, and refereeman. Then we can move on to commentaryman, punditman, and presenterman. The possibilities are endless, man.
The ‘wife’ in midwife is referring to the person giving birth, not the person assisting. Midwife means ‘with woman’.
Since both terms are correct , why can’t it be a matter of personal choice? I’ve used both terms over the years. Why do some people even even interfere about stuff like this and not just concentrate on stuff that really is offensive.
No, because midwife actually refers to "with woman" I believe. Doesn't actually relate to the gender of the person employed as a midwife.
Hilarious how quickly people are to anger over this when all that is happening is the word is (rightly) changing in the rules and you are absolutely allowed to still refer to a batsman as a batsman.
You jest of course, but it's true that using "batter" saves money. "Batsman" doesn't quite fit, and would require a bigger and more expensive housing.
it has been for years I think, captains sending someone down to “third” is the term I tend to hear now.
Who gives a ****? Times move on and we should move with them. There are far more important things to get angry about.
I am totally baffled , what is the object of this thread ? Is it a genuine thought provoking topic? is it a wind up ? or is it something to stir the pot up on the politically correct ? Please advise as I am confused, cheers in anticipation .
I wouldn’t worry about it. I think someone’s probably just in a bad mood, cos today’s gammon didn’t come with any pineapple.