I remember the day like yesterday him being sat in the hallway of our house when he was told that John Hendrie was taking over. He’d not taken the chance to go with Danny to the pigs and i think he thought it was the time. He was gutted. He had a heart attack about 3 weeks later at Oakwell in the summer. I’d snook off from work to go and sit with him and rimmo and it happened when I was there. I do think if he was there John Hendrie’s reign would have been different. That experience would have been golden. With a frigging great squad, arguably better than the prem squad.
You may well be right there. I remember your dad having had a heart attack around that time, but wasn't sure exactly when it had happened. Was he out of action for most of the season? If I remember correctly, he took over again when Hendrie got sacked, and results immediately improved. I'm absolutely sure though that with your dad's experience to guide him, Hendrie would have made a much better fist of things. He had an incredible squad to work with and he definitely didn't do himself any favours (the alleged fall out with Fjortoft was particularly damaging) but to be fair to him, he had a hell of a lot of bad luck as well. In particular, serious injuries to Hristov and Watson properly scuppered him.
His first game back in the dug out was at home against Huddersfield live on Sky. Anybody remember the score?
If only we had a "Eric" right now to turn to. Managers come and go but people like your Dad and Rimmo keep the train on the tracks with passion and commitment. It's like being head of the family (but with a lot more kids) closest we could get Murray.Redders.Big Mick. Hammil. Oh and give Beth a raise...
To echo many of the comments above. We would be in a much better place if Eric was still around and connected to the club. I’m torn on the Manager thing. It would have been great for him to have a proper go but also managers almost always get fired after a bad run. At least we know he never failed. Sad loss We don’t currently have anyone like him or Rimmo at the club though Disco and Bobby may become successors
I don't know if you ever went to Delve Deeper at Orchis in Sheffield on Thursdays in the late 90's, but they had some absolute awesome nights on in there. Hybrid and Lee Burridge were two of the standouts. Anyway, I'd been to Orchis the day before the Huddersfield game. Can't remember who was on but it was bloody awesome. It's fair to say that at half time of the match, I had to make several checks to be absolutely certain it was really happening.