I think the brief farewell from Marcus shows the man has some real class about him. Think what you want about his managerial status in my view some of the posts on here have been absolutely disgusting and no man deserves the utter gutter talk spewed at him. Some of you need to take time out and reflect on your actions. This board used to be a fun place where like minded people would have genuine football debate. Now its agenda based crusades which as lowered the tone of the BBS.
Don’t think anyone has an agenda other than treat the fans with respect and win a couple of matches occasionally.
Sadly it's a factor of the society we live in, that's developed with the internet and social media. Managers, coaches and players don't knowingly go out to underperform. If they do I have no problem with them losing their job. Their underperformance does not warrant them being ridiculed and being recipients of abuse. Criticism can be expected, no problem. But there's a big difference between justifiable criticism and unjustified abuse.
I’ve no agenda. But I think he’s a ****. The way he’s thrown young players under the bus, on the pitch and in interviews. The utter contempt he’s shown the fan base from day 1? Yeah, really classy. Not that I condone people trolling and being abusive. But the potential damage he’s done to our club makes me angry so I’m not shocked.
I wish him all the best and bear him no malice - it didn't work out; I just find it bizarre that his best communication to the fans was his farewell message.
Agreed. The man has gone. Baying at him afterwards is ridiculous and shows a fundamental lack of humanity. Grow the f**k up.
No need for abuse and personal attacks but on a football forum I expect a bit of passion and questioning of decisions made by those at the club. I'm not sure it's just to do with the advent of SM though, I think there has always been people who take things too far.
Must admit it's quite head scratching seeing grown men type some of the obscene things seen over the last few weeks. Can't imagine many look back and think 'I'm really happy I put my name to that'.
His farewell "speech" is the best he has spoken about our club since he came. So sorry I don't agree with you. Politely
There has (have), but it would generally start and end in the pub. Time was, when it took a modicum of education & professionalism to have your thoughts reach the masses in print. Nowadays, it’s a free for all, where everyone is entitled to their voice. Which is not such a bad thing, but rarely grounded in basic principles such as respect, restraint & consequence..
Is not clapping the fans 'utter contempt' really? Not saying it wouldn't have been better for him to do so, but I'm not aware of anything he's done that would lead you to think he has utter contempt for us. Some mangers (& players) are good at playing the game of 'brilliant fans' e.g. the standard 'fans were class today' tweets, some less so. Personally don't read too much into either. Val was forever commenting on the fans, then left at the first opportunity. Its all part of the game.
Come on, let's not go from demonizing to canonising him within a week. He was pretty well agreed, the worst manager results wise we've ever had, he didn't want to engage with the fans and didn't appear to have the players on side either. He may have been a nice bloke otherwise, but he was crap at what he was getting paid to do. Let's hope the next one's better.
I’m always up for giving anyone a chance at the club. As much as I love the club & area, I sometimes wonder what attracts some folk to join us? I know Bruce settled well, & remember Jovo saying something like, ‘Trust me, this is paradise’.? But, pretty much from the start, Markus struck me as a lad who would be much happier fishing & chopping wood in the Alps? My weird way of seeing stuff, but don’t think I’m completely wrong, on this one..
It’s not just not clapping the fans for me. It’s going into press conferences and lying to us about player availability, and reasons for absence. It’s him making weird team selections then blaming others when it goes belly up. Just a complete lack of responsibility. So I’ll stick with the “utter contempt” line as I am entitled to do. I’ll also throw in “coward” for good measure.
Whilst*, I’m not defending Markus on his team management skills, I’d happily chip in for a plane ticket to see you say that to his face.. * correct context, folks. Takes a bit of learning..
There's no agenda. Marcus performed absolutely terribly and treated fans with contempt throughout his brief stint here
Well I've made constant puns on his surname and I once called him a flop (cos it rhymes with Schopp.......). However I really do detest social media for the platform it gives people to be crude, rude and downright nasty. He's a guy at the end of the day and he deserves treating like he is. Poor management and poor communicative style are irrelevant. He put up with some utter crap and never responded by resorting to crudity. Fair play to the guy and best wishes to him.