A little surprised it's not been mentioned so far. Some very powerful words in the opening "ceremony", there were even a few moments dePfeffel forgot he's an idiot and sounded borderline statesmanlike (though fleetingly). Whether any of it will be sufficient to drive action given the worst culprits are AWOL is another thing entirely however.
that’s the problem, we get hammered with it and makes very , very little difference overall, while the main culprits just plough on
But then if countries and individuals are willing to act but then choose not to because others aren't, it will be even worse.
I agree . Just pointing out it’s like the income tax thing, where if they could get the biggest culprits into line progress would be far faster and productive.
I think the only way you might have a chance is to ostracise them financially, but given China owns so many western organisations now, thats easier said than done. Stop buying their products and services and start to look at sanctions. Not easy at all and we have the potential consequences of invoking war against 2 of the most dangerous nations on the planet. I don't see how we're going to limit the rise in temperatures, I really don't. Its seldom in human nature to act to avert catastrophe despite warning.
Always struck me as a huge act of hypocrisy when I heard it announced and this proves it. We have to do more to cut our carbon footprint but its ok for all these people from around the world to descend on the UK in private jets to talk about it. They not heard of Teams or Skype? Also doesn't seem very COVID safe to have all these people from all corners of the globe meeting in one place does it? Always one rule for them and another for us 'normal' people.
We all need to do more but when the rich billionaires, politicians and royals are swanning around in gas guzzlers it's hard to take them seriously. Companies don't take things seriously enough either with too many products sold in plastic that cannot be fully recycled. Then if you want to do your bit you find that things that are better for the environment are a lot more expensive than those that aren't. Sleepy Joe did a speech earlier but I am surprised he had the energy for it.
While ever fossil fuels are still available and they're economically worth extracting we'll never see large scale renewable energy. The oil barons will ensure that wind, solar, tidal, geothermal energy is always seen as an unreliable novelty. It's crazy, to think that the vast majority of global energy needs can be met by renewables but there's no appetite for it from the people that matter. I dread to think how much these conferences cost to arrange, it's just dead money and a collosal waste of resources.
When you've got states like Virgina preferring the coal mines to reopen, and are against massive investment in renewables you've got no chance. Virgina have suffered from floods this year, not batted an eyelid. Biden for his faults has tried to get mass investment but as always big Carbon won't allow it. Who wants clean fuel, and sustainable food products? when I'm sure if they're starving they'll survive on a pint of crude and an ounce of coal.
I think China has recognised that the extreme weather events they are experiencing are down to man-made climate change. I'm not sure whether the non-attendance of their leader signifies their unwillingness to take the necessary actions. But I am reminded of the words of one of my musical heroes (I'll not name him as I don't wish to attract censure), albeit in a different context: "I hope the Russians love their children too".
It's our indirect actions which are causing huge issues, we're supporting other nations in using fossil fuels.