ForumsBBS> Everybody should watch this! Tags: Add Tags Unwatch Thread CHI Chippy redWell-Known Member H2O: The Molecule That Made Us. BBC 4, or BBC iplayer. Whether we live in a desert or a climate like Britain, this will affect our grand children's future. Oct 10, 2021EditReport Reply Austiniho, Kettlewell and John Peachy like this I posted this a couple of weeks ago about the use/wastage of water, and judging by the response to the post there's no wonder the planet's in such a state. It is jaw dropping how water is diverted and extravagantly used. The folk who say why should they do anything while someone else doesn't, deserve what's coming. Our generation get away lightly in our part of the world. Our grand children not so lucky.
My heart sank when I saw the text released from the G20. Loose promises that I suspect several nations have minimal willingness to meet unless they feel it is in the interest financially. Russia, Brazil, China, Turkey. None of their leaders are there and you can say there are delegates, but it's not the same and the world largely knows it. I can understand some of the sentiment too about hypocrisy. The richest companies and individuals consume and pollute more. And the expense of the jamboree doesn't send the right message either. Something stark and uncomfortable to concentrate the minds would be better. But I do think they should meet face to face as leaders. Much of the negotiations and horse trading will be behind the scenes. What should also be happening are regular virtual meets with groups to create action plans and check progress. It's difficult to know how much of that goes on but my perception is COP is an annual exercise to remind people we've major problems, but not enough happens inbetween. I doubt we'd hear a great deal on it from our PM if we weren't hosting it this year.
Think you are totally wrong about companies not caring. I’ve been charged with making at least 10 sites carbon neutral next year both in terms of site accommodation and plant looking to make this the norm by 2025. The technology is the problem not a lack of willing on our part. Accept this will be more difficult on our smaller jobs but the pressure is on us to deliver from an environmental point of view with sustainability not profit being the driver.
True but the Trump party keep selling the lie that renewables are bad and that some day their coal will help make America great again.
How absolutely ridiculous. As DWLC has said, if deals can be done by leaders behind the scenes and face to face then it's worth a million private jet trips. Perhaps you'd rather they stayed home and looked up drivel on the interweb.
I watched Boris the Clown delivering his speech and the word Hypocrisy just jumped out. He's lecturing people on coal mines whilst opening a new one in Cumbria, then waffling on about green energy whilst shutting down the Green Homes Grant scheme just 6 months after launching it. It's an insult to a honourable profession to call him a clown.
Then you've got Tory house builder donors who are allowed to build sub-standard housing which don't retain heat.
The argument is, it will be used for coking coal for the steel industry, which will be better than importing from the US or Belarus.
Great speech from Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, she told it exactly as it is, Boris theDaily Heil puppet should take note
Ah, I see. Mind you, Lord Deben, chairman of the Government's Climate Change Committee said: "The opening of a new deep coking coal mine in Cumbria will increase global emissions and have an appreciable impact on the UK’s legally binding carbon budgets. “The mine is projected to increase UK emissions by 0.4Mt (megatonnes) of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per year. “This is greater than the level of annual emissions we have projected from all open UK coal mines to 2050.” It's all about jobs though, I understand that, but if Boris wants the 200 countries at the COP26 to listen to him, why should they? he's just giving those reluctant countries permission to open as many coal mines as they want.