The notion of veering back towards local at the expense of global is noble to a degree. But it's completely undermined by our government then seeking to do trade deals (which they've also stripped Paris climate agreements from) with countries we're the other side of the world to, rather than our nearest neighbours.
It's a start. Better than nothing. And along the way, other countries can engage and assist them to improve on that target. People have to be brought into the fold before you can work with them.
I've never really understood this argument that the BRIC countries have used especially. The west has had the benefit of the industrial revolution, so we want to get our economic benefit too now. Obviously in the 1800's we had no idea how many things worked and certainly we weren't going to make a moral decision not to burn coal. But now we do have that information. And what, do we let them pollute heavily for 200 years? And given the populations of India and China, they dwarf all the westernised countries. So instead of using outdated damaging processes, why not skip all that dirt and pollution, get straight to clean technologies and be on a level playing field with the world immediately, and likely gain some subsidy for doing the same as developed countries? Maybe thats what they are hankering for, a massive westernised subsidy, who knows.
Seems to be catching .....but this won't get a mention...along with the fact he is the only one not wearing a mask.
The rich and the famous have a long way to go to show they are serious about it. As young Greta says blah blah blah.
I think our Prime Idiot likes a tipple at lunchtime. Very fluid with his words and his ridiculous filter seems to wane considerably. Just said how wonderful the weather is in Glasgow, but not quite the standards of Africa. Maybe he missed the stories of the Madagascans struggling for water due to climate change, or indeed, that he's at a climate conference. Still, he'll be on a plane soon so he can have another snooze while he's making the really long journey home!
Having listened to some of the grandstanding all I could think of was this still largely relevant bit by the late great George Carlin.
Its not so much save the planet, but stop doing whats harming it and therefore making our lives more difficult. The thing that makes my heart sink most is that all the solutions will focus on technology. That somehow some incredible bits of human thinking will make the planet more habitable, will provide enough water and food and keep ticking along as we are, largely. It's not going to end well. Maybe outside of many of our lifetimes, but human hubris will win, until it doesn't.
Agreed. But as for not in our lifetime, who knows? As far as I understand it there comes a tipping point where it’s not a case of a few more floods, fire and droughts. Everything goes batshit mental* in the space of a few years. And that’s it - game over. Could be 100 years away, 10 years or next year. *Technical environmental term
I've read that too, that scientists aren't expecting a linear change. I think it would catch a lot of people out if it were in the next 5-10 years.
I don't disagree, human greed and selfishness is clear to see. I see absolutely no way any meaningful impact will be made on this, if doing so means we have to significantly change our lifestyles.
I agree. I've watched a bit of it and there seems a stark contrast of people desperate for action. Typically the ones with minimal influence and most affected. Then you've the wealthier higher emitting nations who seem to be having a jolly good soiree and revelling in telling the world just how amazing they are and what they've done to date. I've felt for some time that if humanity was to have any chance of limiting emissions and give ourselves a future that was less uncertain, it would require considerable upheaval and a significant loss of convenience. That's just not going to happen. Population grows. We all consume more. Given we've nations lying about their emissions, and nations quite openly deferring much action for 40-50 years... I just don't see how world leaders will do whats required until we're approaching Armageddon and its much too late.
Agree. A few small changes by most of us will make a significant difference. I say most of us because the selfish will carry on regardless. The scientists can come with headline solutions.