Some decent advice there. Fell out with my neighbours over something and it has caused nothing but bother and anxiety for years, making me uncomfortable in my own home. House completes next week and not been living there for months, but will be a huge relief not to have to go there anymore. Sometimes it isn't worth the hassle.
Exactly. My neighbour does annoy me at times with some things he does (if you remember he had friends round during the first lockdown). But I'd rather put up with little niggles like that without making a scene and remain on good terms with him than make a big deal about it and dread walking out of my front door. Life's too short to spend it in misery.
Had a bad time with some previous neighbours of mine at my previous house. They actually moved out around 12 months before I put my house up for sale. The situation left its mark though and the only type of house I would consider when we were searching was detached (at much extra cost to ourselves) I know that doesn't preclude falling out with people but it certainly feels a lot better this way.