Is it possible to have some f**ing balance on here occasionally?!!! It's quite feasible and reasonable to hold the positions that the climate crisis facing the planet should be the main priority of every government and that blocking a motorway junction or letting random tyres down is so pointless it alienates those not yet convinced by point one. Christ.
I think [some of[ these people give "normal" "lefties" like people on this board a really bad name as we're all lumped in together.
I’ve got a Kia Sportage, I drive it because the height of the seats means it doesn’t affect my arthritis as much and I can keep working . Its a 1.6 Two wheel drive and more efficient that loads of other cars out there. Any more sweeping statements?
Exactly my point, we'll either adapt to live on it or die out as nearly every other species that has ever existed on it has done. We are too far down the rabbit hole to make any difference now.
Absolutely. It's on the same level as those PETA activists who freed a load of mink from a fur farm into the countryside. The mink then proceeded to destroy farmers' crops and kill huge numbers of native animals. Complete and utter morons.
Of course I would but……I wouldn’t have an SUV in the first place. I accept that this issue rests primarily with Govt rather than individuals but not to the extent that individual can take no responsibility for their own actions. My point is, I’m absolutely amazed that young people in general and many people in particular are so patient with Governments over this issue. We’ve known for 30 years what’s happening and yet the very minor inconveniences that climate activists carry out are the source of outrage!! Bonkers. Some people seem to think the consequences of the planet heating up will be the chance of developing a cafe culture in Barnsley in December. But the consequences will be (and are) ‘how do you deal with the millions of starving, waterless displaced people who have to move because there lands are uninhabitable.’ Of course we’re already working out the answer in the West. You build high walls and stock up with guns. Pesky activists - letting my tyres down!
These climate activists are not the random general public doing there bit, that they want too appear.. They are backed by big, big money. George Soros foundation for one. Very small groups of people being given maximum publicity on every news channel. Even being 'helped' by the Police at times 'for safety reasons' to stop traffic and such. There is a bill going through Parlement right now that will ban any kind of protest, march meeting or otherwise. It has been opposed by the BLM movement. In their "kill the bill" protest. Why don't you think the BLM, who were the darling of all the media last year.. now never ever get a mention ?. Because what they are saying now doesn't follow the main agenda. All these climate protests are stage-managed with the soul intention off pi55ing people off.. So when the 'protest bill' to take away everyone's right to protest, about owt and forever, gets passed.. No one will even care, infact it will be welcomed..
Didn't we save the planet a decade ago or are we living on another one? Of course climate change is real and we should all do more about it. It's so very noticeable on a match day how poor our own Football club are at being green. If I was rating how green Barnsley Football Club are they would be lucky to avoid a U.
I think you strike a good note there. Who the bloody hell likes to have their tyres let down? However, in perspective, a few peoples' tyres being let down is so inconsequential in the big scheme of things that its laughable talking about it. It's even laughable in the context of other crimes that go on. It's simply to gain attention which is what the activists have done. So, I don't like to see it myself, it targets the wrong targets BUT another part of me says after all this time and all this delay from government what the hell are they supposed to do which will cause politicians to actually start noticing that populations are starting to get restless and pissed off? Climate activism will get more extreme in the next 5 years in my view and it wont just be SUV tyres... Edit - I was responding to dakestykes. Pressed wrong button!
Loads of them don't even know what messages they are supposed to be sending out ( in this case I don't see the nessage) they just want to cause mayhem for the sake of causing mayhem
Because letting some poor sods tyres down in this country will make all the difference! China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released. United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2 India, with 2,654 million tons of CO2 Russia, with 1,711 million tons of CO2 Japan, 1,162 million tons of CO2 Germany, 759 million tons of CO2 Iran, 720 million tons of CO2 South Korea, 659 million tons of CO2 Saudi Arabia, 621 million tons of CO2 Indonesia, 615 million tons of CO2
This is where we disagree. If everyone has your opinion then you are right we are doomed. However, those of us that think we can change the way we live our lives in a sustainable way, then there is a chance we can stop global warming. It may in the end prove to be a futile exercise but we should try. Doing nothing makes it certain, doing what we can might just fix the problem. Or you can stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.