What I don’t understand is that, having cited brexit as a business risk in last years accounts, then been burnt when Schopp was unable to bring any staff with him, we still would appear to be pursuing the same model. Albeit, trying and failing to recruit somebody from Europe.
Never judge a book by it's cover and all that but these managers who have flopped never seem to "look" like they have something about them. Big Val "looked" every inch the winner, the way he carried himself, the way he spoke, his physical stature... Morais looked like a weedy little man and we played weedily (if that makes sense?) Schopp looked like a tramp and we played as if we had given up on life! Stendel had personality and the likeability factor, he worked. Struber was lucky that Wigan had a points deduction, I didn't see much in him, although he did get us playing....ish. I think there is something in this...a manager needs to have technical nouse yes, but he also needs to impose his personality on the team, Schopp didn't seem to have one, and I just get the feeling this Vracken doesn't either.
We may have been lucky that Wigan were deducted 12 points, but Struber did a hell of a job to get us to 49 points given the state of us when he took over.