And is it worth it, or expensive What's the run down on how it works (delivery v storage etc) Bored of the same crap, and thinking about doing a sub, and might open lads up to new stuff as well
We used them and a few others. I thought they were really good and healthy. We started using them because like you, bored of cooking / eating the same ****. We stopped using them after we got a load of new ideas and recipes off them. I’d recommend personally.
We use hello fresh regularly. It’s good. We were in the habit of making the same meals every week because we didn’t know how to cook many different meals & we’d often cook too much. Now we’re eating healthier & trying new stuff. Don’t think we’ve ever had a bad meal from it. Sometimes I’ve thought the meal was a bit small but that’s probably because we’re greedy & used to eating bigger than average portions.
We just book for it to be delivered on a Monday at a time one of us will be in & it comes in a box with bags that have numbers on them & then sheets of paper that have the correlating number on with the ingredients & instructions on how to cook them. The boxes come with bags of ice inside to keep the meat & cheese cool which is in a separate bag inside the box. I think it averages out at about £8 per meal for 2 people. Could you put the meals together yourself for less? Probably if you know what you’re doing. I know we couldn’t but some might.
It's more down to knowing what to try. Then working out ingredients, and then obviously buying them. Having 2 teenagers that litterally walk through the door as I'm switching off work and starving, is putting me on the back foot too much. I like what twillo said, try it a few weeks or so, build up a few recipes and then I can always tweek my food shopping to suit. But you've answered my main worry, that I can pick a day for delivery. That will be a massive influence. I have my lads 2 thirds of the time over a 2 week period, so picking delivery day is important on that front, and not wasting stuff
We had a trial, but I wasn't a fan. The quality of the meat was a bit disappointing, the recipes neither that new or exciting, and there's a ridiculous amount of packaging e.g. multiple sachets of mayonnaise or condiments that I wasn't happy with. If you want recipe inspiration, try the BBC Good Food website. If you want ingredients without having to pick them for your shopping, try a mail order farm shop box or two.
Out of interest do you get your kids meals in to cook themselves ? Might be an idea if your pushed for time and it learns them to cook for themselves .It's something I've done myself and now they have basic cooking skills or are certainly not scared to get the old pots and pans out .
Agreed on the good food website . If I'm looking for something different I'll scroll the internet until I find something interesting that's not too hard to put together but is tasty non the less .
I use SimplyCook. It doesn’t come with the fresh ingredients, just the premixed spices, sauces, rubs etc. It’s posted through the letterbox so delivery isn’t an issue and the best before dates are around 6 months. I’m the world’s pickiest eater (I literally ate around 10 meals growing up for 18 years - my mam’s type 1 diabetic and will not deviate from set meals) but after about a year and a half of getting these I eat all sorts. I’m still a bit in shock at what I now eat! You choose 4 meals a month and you get 3 pots of the flavourings for each meal and a recipe card. All meals can be made in 20 minutes and you can adapt it to make 2 or 4 meals (if gives instructions for both). The fresh stuff to buy isn’t anything obscure and there’s always swap suggestions on there (for example kale for spinach or broccoli for green beans). If you want to give it a go for free (including free delivery) you can use my link: It is a ‘free trial’ but you can just log into your account and cancel it after 7 days. You don’t need to phone anyone or faff around. Edit: I should probably put the cost in case you do want to continue it. It’s £9.99 a month (or £7.99 if you’ve referred 5 people, plus a free box for each referral). As about 50 strangers signed up from one of my posts on Facebook I’m set for about 4 more years but I will continue once it’s ran out as saying it has changed my life is not an exaggeration. My experience growing up was very unusual though.
Think I will give this a go as well as hello fresh. I can obviously have a bit of variety over time. For sake of 10 quid, im sure I can make use of 4 meals in a month and stretch to getting the odd few ingredients. Much appreicated JJ, and I will add to your free boxes
My son and his partner use Hello Fresh they like the recipes and it saves them having to think too much about what they are going to eat during the week after work
Used Gousto for a while it’s great! Quite expensive to run the subscription long term but we usually do it for a couple months if we have the money!
Look out for a free trial of hello fresh. They pop up every now and then. It's usually something like 10-12 portions you get free (5 meals for 2 people, 4 meals for 3, 3 meals for 4 etc), which come with full recipe card. Once you've had your trial, if you like it and you can afford it, then try some of the other meals. If like us, you find the full price a bit expensive, save the recipe cards of the ones you enjoyed and make them yourself, with slight tweaks for some of the more obscure ingredients. We really enjoyed them, but I think the full subscription worked out at something like £40 for a weeks meals or something for 2 of us, which is just a bit too steep.