Some of you may have noticed the Daily Mail has been critical of the Governments handling of sleaze and corruption In unrelated news the editor has just been removed and replaced with a hard line pro Tory In other coincidental news it’s owned by a Billionaire who does not live in the UK or pay Uk taxes.
Not surprised. Noticed some of their recent headlines criticising the govt. The tax-dodging piece of **** who own the paper acting doubly quick to get rid
Don't be fooled by all the regret and promises to change. The government have no obligation to take on board the new recommendations and have not set aside any parliamentary time to debate and vote on it in January. Johnson is hoping it will go away when people forget about it. Concerns should be raised with the sacking of the Daily Mail editor. Fascism is happening before your very eyes in the UK.
Yeah, well they're gunna keep my money safe arnt they? Not be like Corbyn and give it away to lazy poor people and immigrants!
It’s disgusting isn’t it. I want my tax money given to important rich Tories and their mates. All this giving to the needy Cronyn might have done makes me mad. I just hope the Tory bashing continues as I cannot remember a time they have been less Tory than during the pandemic. It would be a shame if the new guy goes easier on them.
I've just got out of hospital after a five week fight with Covid. One of my regular nurses was a young lass from Zimbabwe. She was a marvellous nurse, and in the quiet periods of the night she'd sit and talk to me. I was very interested to hear about Zimbabwe. One of the first questions I asked was, ' Has Zimbabwe got over Mugabe?'. Her reply, ' Oh no, it is a very corrupt country, just like here.'
And they still will unless there is a party fit to take over, which currently there isn’t. Let’s face it when the leader of our opposition doesn’t even tell his deputy that there is a re-shuffle taking place, what hope is there.
Quote “Ms Rayner’s team said she had spoken to Sir Keir before the speech but had not been consulted on the reshuffle and did not know any details”.