I thought RedVesp’s point was that it is wrong to describe it as a mistake. You should apologise for previously held views based on ignorance or prejudice but saying it was a mistake is akin to saying I shouldn’t have put it in writing (I’d have got away with it if I had just said it) or pressed “send”?
I agree with both sentiments. I think there is a massive difference between putting your foot in it and being racist, sexist, homophobic etc.
Clearly. I was just lonely and wanted attention, and everyone knows the easiest way to get someone to reply to your posts on here is to spell something wrong, or be grammatically incorrect.
I think we've got to be careful in making sweeping assumptions at times (i'm as guilty as the next person by the way). As someone who is content and stupid enough to speak out against things that I don't feel are right, I could easily be tarred with the lazy terms of wokism and all the other stuff you see being pushed by a section of the media. I simply take views and form opinions based on what i see and hear. I don't have a moral highground, I'm just one person on a planet of billions (others will no doubt disagree). I simply see too much racism and xenophobia in this country (and beyond) and in my home county and I find it dispiriting, and often many things worse than that. I say this a lot, but I'll say it again, racism isn't just violence and aggression against someone because of the colour of their skin. Racism is the mere thought that you are better than someone because of the colour of their skin. And that can even be a subconscious thing. I think much stems from ignorance and there are plenty of examples of people who genuinely don't think they are a racist who express themselves in a way that contradicts their view. There are some people who don't like being labelled as such either but perhaps know they have prejudices. But it's more complicated than this and is likely going to take generations to unravel, if we've any chance at all. You only have to look online and see some of the views on something as banal as the john lewis christmas advert to realise we have a long long way to go. But I agree, the way forward is talking and listening and being willing to accept that what may have been historical isn't repeated or condoned. Sometimes that's the hardest thing to do.
I agree, and there are lazy terms used on all fronts (I'm reluctant to say 'both sides' because in my opinion therein lies the problem - not everything needs to be one or the other/right and wrong/black and white/upstanding member of society or cancelled fascist scum etc etc). We need more understanding, more listening, more education and more humanity. Basically, if we all got back to treating each other more like human beings again I think as a human race we could achieve a lot.
It’s a complicated beast. Azim Rafiq is a very real microcosm. The racism he’s experienced has been horrific. Yet in the same week we’ve seen how he himself has been guilty of appalling bigotry. Those text messages were disgusting, and he’s said the same himself. People change though. I’d like to think we’re willing to accept that people do make mistakes, and be prepared to move on. I’m a 46 year old bleeding heart liberal, and I’d be gutted to think I was bigoted in any way. But it’s a learning curve. I know for a fact when I was younger I wasn’t as tolerant. Doesn’t stop there though. The current trans debate for example. I genuinely struggle with it, because I don’t understand it enough. I’m too ignorant on the subject. Amid all that there’s a chance I might say or even think something that’s offensive. I’d be gutted if people labelled me because of that. For me, contrition and a willingness to learn are mega important. I’d like to think if people genuinely show that, they won’t be tarred for life.
Right so you can go to a fancy dress as a smurf and blue up you can go as Shreck or an alien and green up but if you go dressed up as Will Smiths character in men in black youre a racist if you black up. Calling out cricketers as racist because they went to a fancy dress in character as Michael Jackson years ago and blacked up is pushing things a bit too far. We're not talking about the black and white minstrels here we are talking about people going to fancy dress party's dressed as their favourite stars I wouldn't think a member of the BAME community was a racist if they went dressed as a white character / person and whited up.
Jeez....the black and white minstrels were pulled in 1978. There's a reason for that. Giving a huge mahoosive benefit of the doubt, I'd say anyone blacking up since 1990 say, needs to have a word with yourself. It's wrong now and u knew it was wrong then.
Wind up or your serious opinion? Really? I wonder if folk would spout stuff like this if your real name was attached to it. But then maybe u would.
to be absolutely clear. Yes you are a racist if you do that. You may be acting unconsciously you may not understand you are being offensive. But you are. Also to be clear neither Smurf’s nor Shrek are real.
Neither is Will Smiths character in Men in Black. So do you consider the black male actors who whitened up for the film White Chicks racist and sexist and were they being offensive. Was Eddie Murphy when he whitened up to play a white character in one of his films.
The attitude should be I'll treat you how you'd like to be treated and vice versa. Each to their own. I couldn't give two hoots if someone is BAME, BTG, BBC, ITV. It shouldn't be a thing. If everybody treated each other with respect that would be a start.
Again as you seem to have missed the initial clarification. If you wear black face make up you are a racist. I can point you to some papers on slavery and institutional racism presuming you can read obvs. Again for clarification the character played by Will Smith is not real but Will Smith the actor is. Once again happy to assist you. Missis always says you can’t educate pork. Prove her wrong https://www.history.com/news/blackface-history-racism-origins https://www.ebony.com/entertainment/nick-cannon-says-whiteface-is-not-a-thing/
I recently read rob burrows autobiography he speaks about been always wrote off due to his size. In his 1st trip to Australia playing for great Britain the headline in oz referred to him as "pommie squirt" I though to myself is this not a little bit out of order similar to racism? But he instead of quitting used it as motivation.