Before Covid, long before, there was a spate of players of African origin collapsing, sometimes fatally, and there was lots of commentary about potential cause. Change of climate, overtraining etc. Chiek Tiote, Marc V Foe were 2 high profile ones. I'll leave it to the experts to monitor and diagnose. Us getting involved is little more than conjecture.
Agreed. However we all love a good bit of speculation and conjecture so mine is that footballers aren't all naturally athletic. For a lot of them they 'just' have talent and the fitness and athleticness (not a word but I like it) is something they have to work on and train towards constantly especially in a world where their pace, acceleration, reactions etc are all monitored so closely and they're judged on it constantly. They push their bodies to the limit because if they don't their ability alone won't get them into a decent team. How many times have we complained that a certain Barnsley player was good enough but not fast enough for the championship or similar? More times than I can remember. A lot of them are pushing themselves to their limits to succeed and it might not necessarily look like it because they aren't as fast or as strong as other players but we don't know where they started from. A car engine is more likely to blow up when you're revving it to its limit than when it's doing 35mph in 4th gear and logically the human body is just the same, the heart is just an engine at the end of the day
I don't know the biggest conspiracy is that a virus came out from a man eating a bat in China and people continue to believe it because its on on neewwwsssss
I don’t know what causes it but I don’t think it’s fair to start scaremongering about vaccines when several of the players listed aren’t vaccinated. One thing I do know is that players are working harder than ever before. Almost every team seems to be ‘pressing’ & running 12km or so a game. It’s a lot of graft & strain on your body twice a week. If you compare to 20 years ago they’re running on average an extra 50%. I’d also say if people are going to mention vaccines then I’ll chuck in performance enhancing drugs. There could be a new substance been abused. In the 90’s lots of cyclists mainly in Belgium & Holland we’re dropping dead / having heart trouble when EPO came on to the scene. Anyone who thinks PED’s aren’t been used in football especially at the higher level are kidding themselves.
Was talking to a elderly bloke the other week had the 1st vaccine almost died was obviously advised not to have the 2nd. Must be some link to all these footballers dropping like flies although many won't want to make that link. And now there's a new varient and guess what the vaccine doesn't work....