This REALLY stinks.
The brass neck of them is staggering. You can imagine them sat in a room thinking of their next outlandish step. Right... what if we made HMRC move... to Newcastle. Ah yes, levelling up. Hmm, but hang on, how do we make money from that? Well... remember the Reubens who donate millions to us? Oh yes. Go on. Well, they have a property thats ideal and its held by a company in a tax haven! So we can have the HMRC tax inspectors in a building thats a tax dodge! Perfect! Nobody will ever look so close to home and we can ask them for more money, and give them some peerages! Spiffing idea old boy.
They couldn't do much more to surprise me, and then they do. It's beyond rage and anger these days, I just find it utterly laughable
I have now come to the conclusion there is absolutely no point in trying to educate pork. We are doomed
They are either corrupt or downright daft take Conservative MP for the Don Valley (think it includes Wath) Nick Fletcher he is on record as saying "Dr Who being played by a woman as lead men to a life of crime" it's unbelievable, along with Pepper Pig they have gone mad.
I'm gunna be sexist and say that Dr Who should be a bloke and so should James Bond. Unless they're gunna be proper and call her Ms Who and Jemima Bond.
I'm going to admit something regarding Nick, or Nicky as he's known to me, he's a relative of mine and honestly - I don't recognise Nick Fletcher MP. He should be a working class success story. His Dad was a fitter at ICI in Doncaster, there's zero privilege or money in his background and about 30 years ago he set up his own electrical business and went on to make it big. He's actually a really nice bloke. But I listen to him in parliament and these speeches I wouldn't argue with anyone that he sounds thick as [choose adjective]. I don't get it, because he isn't. I think his point was that there should be more positive role models, which maybe isn't that controversial to say - but yep - it was done very clumsily and he doesn't come off well at all.
James Bond is a bloke. 007 is a code name for a spy who could be any gender. I personally wouldn’t mess with the franchise, but then I totally understand that it’s based on some books that were written in a completely different political climate. And that in order to survive it can’t continue exactly the same as it was in 1970. Im sure you don’t want George growing up thinking that a ‘hero’ who pats secretary’s on the arse is normal behaviour. Plus - he drinks watered down ‘cocktails’ - can you tell I’m not a fan?
It’s playing to base instincts. If he genuinely is a bright bloke; it’s almost worse, because he knows it’s wrong but that it’ll make him popular with a certain section of society. I mean, it doesn’t take a massive intellect to work out that 51% of the population also need positive role models? I’d contend he’s not a ‘nice guy’ but someone who’s realised he can feather his own nest by stoking the ‘culture wars’.
And I can fully understand why seeing that version you'd think that. I wouldn't try and argue otherwise as it'd involve revealing personal things I wouldn't post publicly about anyone without their permission.