Do you genuinely believe people with flares take them into grounds in a rucksack though? I strongly suspect people with rucksacks are carrying nothing more deadly than a blanket, flask and chocolatey hobnobs
Presumably by wanting admittance to the ground you're giving them the right? As I say, no one has ever touched anything in my bag before but it would probably be a better search if they did!
In hindsight After Wednesday nights dismal performance bag searching will now cease.... apparently all the rubbish found was dumped on the field of play Meanwhile in other news Barnsley MBC are aware of the amount of carbage that has built up in the boardroom. A spokesperson for the council said...we are aware of the situation and would quite clearly dispose of the said garbage if we had our way.....meanwhile a spokesperson from the club concluded...we are looking to relocate so the problem will be taken out of their hands
I am not sure how they take them in but hiding them in any bag is feasible , they well may only carry what you say but if it is a security check because of the increase in the threat alert I do not see why people should object infact in my opinion security has been too laxed in todays world & I welcome it , its all about opinions .
I’ve certainly got no objection to bag checks in principle provided it is done properly. If they are going to carry on with it at home games fine, but set up a lane filter system all around the ground with tables to empty my bag onto and properly trained operators doing the checking. Once the contents are checked and cleared I would then be allowed through, WITH my bag, and then through the turnstile. Absolutely no problem with that and then of course there would be rigorous checks on other fans without bags to check pockets for flares etc. It’s not 100% foolproof but it would deter some idiots from going through and make the ground safe from choking smoke or potential burns. What they CANNOT do is put their hands in someone’s bag - that’s just not right. Let the owner take things out, and then put them back again.
They are ‘ad hoc’ Helen. I have a body full of metal. Sometimes it goes off sometimes it doesn’t. I was once in the company of a Farmer who had a 6” Bowie knife on him (he’d forgotten he had it!) in his back pocket. Nothing! Until he was rather abruptly stopped on the plane steps! I was once with one of my kids who had a tog gun (metal) on him. Nothing. I say nothing but the two hour detention to try to explain it was something. At least those two hours helped me understand the purpose of the ‘scanners’.
Shhhhh dont be objecting to bag searching and your human rights....our suits will see it as another reason to shut another stand down!! (as an aside)... it will make us safer from bomb threats!