Can't like this enough, it destroys all arguments the government are making and stamps all over the anti refugee (racist) lots imaginary facts and figures. Just as an aside, I stated during the Spring that numbers being recorded were well under those seen in typical a year. But I suppose some would rather get their facts from Mr Dacre.
Thank you for sharing this. I don't think what I have said goes against that though? And I am in no doubt that most people who come here as asylum seekers are genuinely seeking asylum
Yes they are, certain members of the media say otherwise without any facts. Vast amounts are granted asylum and another large group win on appeal ( at tax payers cost). The remainder are left in limbo, asylum rejected but can't be removed due to their county not being safe to return to (per UN regulations). It's those people who I feel sorry for. How can you be rejected when independent reports say otherwise.
Apologies, that was a typo!! Long day. I meant to write 'I am in NO doubt that most people who come here as asylum seekers are genuinely seeking asylum '
Most shocking thing about it all for me, is the fact I'm not that shocked! We live in a society these days where people set up online pages slagging off people of good! Such as when a young lass was the toast of Open University - brilliant mind, nice personality. As soon as she was praised in one quarter; some moron set up a Facebook page slating her off from every possible direction! Thousands upon thousands supported the moron fgs! Attacks on the police, fire brigade and paramedics are on the increase yet again! Not to mention hospital staff! Bloody bonkers this day and age!!!!
Even if you don't agree with immigration how can you knowingly let anyone drown? The waters are freezing this time of year , the lifeboat volunteers have a hard enough job to do without people trying to stop them. This story's knocked me sick.
A large part will be that English pretty much the second language in a lot of countries. If I had to flee my home, being able to speak a bit of the language in the country would be appealing.
Dispicable and should be locked up. Our 'friends' at the other side of the water should be doing far more at stopping people reaching our shores, but Macron is happy to wave them over here when it's too dangerous. What happened last week should have been a wake up call.
No doubt. What a truly sad state our country is in. If things carry on like this, I think I'll be seriously thinking about moving abroad.
Is Macron waving them over? I think we should shoulder more of the blame for making it so impossible to get in by official routes that a dinghy is the only option.
Nonsense, complete nonsense. The French are already helping us by virtue of the Le Touquet Agreement which helps us but does absolutely nothing for them. In the forthcoming presidential election, only Macron is in favour of this deal continuing, if he loses, it will end. The French could quite easily just allow the refugees onto ferries and let us deal with our own problems instead of as we usually do, letting somebody else do it.
The phrase "we'll fight them on the beaches" has reached another dimension. What a complete shower of **** this country has become.
And this is where I have some sympathy with France. (I used to be as much vocal about France until I educated myself) Once people who want to seek asylum are in the EU, that's it. They are in the EU. And as long as they don't register or claim asylum in any country on their travels, they litterally can move unfettered. (Ie can't be challenged back to other parts of the EU through the Dublin agreement) So, plenty of countries have also "waved them through" but that's if they know they were there to start with. I suspect majority that reach Calais haven't shown up an anybody's radar until they arrive there. So now it's Frances problem because the rest of the EU doesn't have any real controls for dealing with it. My comments still stand from my original post. It's a global and EU problem that everyone needs to work for a solution. And that includes the UK actually taking more refugees than we are letting on. Because it's next to bugger all compared to other countries.
There should be a safe route for asylum seekers. The British government are responsible for ensuring that Asylum seekers can be safely processed. How can you not see that? Why is it the fault of the French, who take 9x more asylum seekers than us.
Please, please do some reading/watching on the issue Dreamboy. The info is out there and it is the British gov who are being dicks to some of the worlds most vulnerable, who have been through untold hardships.
No side is coming out of this smelling like roses. Everyone should be getting together to do more. These people are leaving French waters so Macron should be doing more to stop it. If they were leaving our waters and drowning to death trying to reach France then Boris would be getting way more stick than Macron is for the opposite scenario happening.
If it was the other way round we would be putting them on proper ships and waving them off - whether they wanted to go to France or not - the problem is entirely down to the UK government policies of blocking any legal way they can get to the UK - its hardly France to blame here