According to the Barnsley Chronicle the offer was 4.5% but Stagecoach have agreed deals in other parts of the country up to 10.5%
I'm sorry it's inconvenienced you, but why does someone exercising their legal right to withdraw labour to fight for better conditions make them a ********?
EDIT: Deleted what I said as I was wrong See for more details.
Lol when I worked for the Tracky we were worse than anybody for downing tools so to speak and striking lol..... ask jedi 1 the pair of us were partners in crime lol ....woe betide anybody doing our routes when we were on strike..... and we weren't the worst pick out of the picket line....the moto was cross at your peril lol.....different time zones from today....but the lads and lasses today are fighting the same fights we had back then ...the problem today over the years the union has had to give up so much to achieve results that these days there's not much wiggle room or much left to give up....but yet management still want the last ounce of blood .... Good luck to them all....its a job with so much responsibility but little appreciation and most of Joe public just take them for granted......