The whole thing would be canned. Coit! EDIT: or if it made it into production it would have to rely on 'canned' laughter.... rather like my lame joke
I could eat Fish, Chips and Curry sauce with a breadcake everyday. I went to Blackpool at the end of the 2003/4 season for the weekend and had Fish and Chips for breakfast and tea that Saturday.
One year we had a tin of pek in a xmas hamper, gave it to the dog who couldn't stop drinking for 2 days!
You’d be surprised how many people only have one tiny section in their fridge as their freezer and can’t afford to buy in bulk (no money go buy it all upfront or no transport to lug it home). Many poor people don’t have cooking facilities other than a kettle and microwave so have no way of bulk cooking in the first place.