Tell me the benefits of not being in a union. Excluding the fact not having to pay dues. By which I may add would normally be covered by increased pay offers. Which those not in the union quite happily take advantage of. I would be quite happy for those parasites to accept the worst offer. Not only that. guess where they run to if given a disciplinary to attend. Foe or friend I absolutely wouldn't accompany them to a hearing. Our members would be rightly annoyed to say the least. You really haven't a clue of the benefits. You are targeting the working class. Guess what. The tories love you. Irrespective of strike pay. Those not in the union will reap the reward of their colleagues fight for a better standard of living. Ask yourself why they've turned down the latest offer. You will no doubt see it as greed. I see it as they judge the whole package unacceptable. Until then you should reserve judgement.
Was the cheapest ( subsidised) Transport system in the uk. More routes. Less diversions. Till maggie put paid to that. And afore anyone mentions where will the subsidy come from. Hopefully from the same place as TFL.
Listen to yourself.. Think you know what everyone thinks or knows about any situation. Get off your high horse man. Adding quotes like parasites because people aren't in unions and then wondering why people dont join in the first place. Absolutely smacks of arrogance. My last dealing with the union were when I was part of the employee rep board for a major insurer, representing people not in a union. We secured a far better deal than the union did. That is from personal experience so take your preaching somewhere else before jumping down someones throat because they hold a different view.
Hooky feller.. List all the benefits of being a union member then.. not many in this day and age, times have moved on.
You were the one to pass judgement in the first place. The nerve of you. A parasite is someone who feeds off the back of others. ( what would you term them as) Not only that. want the same rights as those prepared to fight to achieve better conditions in the workplace. Not every company are as willing to reach a compromise as you seem to think. Ever heard of ASOS. Not all companies are unreasonable. And some do indeed reward their workers in the right manner. You feel that stagecoach workers should accept the offer for fear of reprisals from the public. Quite frankly the public need to take a look at themselves if they take everything at first sight. ( As in your case) The union would not turn an offer down if they thought it was acceptable they would put it to the members. As I said read the book. Yet to see your benefits of not being a member. Benefits. Workplace representation. Fight for equality in the workplace. Safer working environments. On average union workers wages are significantly higher than those in similar roles where unions are not recognised. More benefits through collective bargaining. Usually better sickness benefits More paid holidays . Free legal advice on things like personal injury. Better maternity, paternity and care leave. Learning opportunities. Discounts at various outlets etc. Better pension provisions in general. As to 'think I know what everyone else thinks' . WTF does that mean. Do you think circa £23k is ok for a 39/40 hr week. Unsocial hrs. 12hr shifts Poor worklife ballance. Single time for overtime. Refusal of holidays due to staff shortages. The European time directive says Workers should have a 24 hrs break in 7days or a 48 hrs unbroken rest period in 2 weeks. People can sign out of such rules. (Of which there are many others) . But unions fight for these rights. Your example Now mine. I was outsourced in 1999. Brought back in house in 2010. Lost 10s of thousands of pounds in pension benefits. Why? Because the company weren't legally obliged to reinstate me ( and the rest of my dept ) into my/our deferred scheme. Using law to to their advantage. Believe me. I will fight them with every breath in my body to keep what we achieved in the period of outsource that they were obliged to take on. And they have the audacity to challenge those rights. To achieve a better outcome for them.
Still on your high horse I see. You said enough when you referred to anyone not in a union being a parasite. Feeding off what onlynunuion members deserve. Hardly parasitic when it's most of the country. Parasites ffs.
You obviously haven't grasped the meaning. Or the understanding. Most of the country what the hell are you on about. My dept is 99% unionised . The biggest problem are those who say the union don't do do owt. By that they mean, for them and not the collective. They'll say they can't afford the subs. But quite happily accept the little extra that unions and their colleagues fight for and still not join. Even though that little extra would normally cover it. Is that not a parasite. Cos it is in my world. By the way you've not answered any of my questions as I have yours. In a clear and concise manner. If you don't like my responses. That your problem. We agree to disagree. End of.
Exactly but Hookey Feller would rather see the unions destroy a recovering economy by pushing for pay rises in excess of 9% and then wonder why next year the said industry wants to make 30% redundancies. Guess he would be happy for the parasites and I know exactly what he means bu the word (non union members) to be unemployed. But when the union realise they have pushed too hard they are absolutely powerless for when the company decides to cut the workforce or indeed fold. It's called compromise, something obviously Hookey feller doesn't understand. Plus the fact they are providing a public service and have chosen to be in that trade.
If it was so simple mate. 9% of nothing is still nothing. But we seem to look at those at the lower pay end of society as the problem. When those at the top would have us believe that we all have to cut our cloth. And drip feed it into the masses to turn the focus away from themselves. ( it’s as old as the hills and people swallow it) last time I looked 5% ( few years mind) of the population own 60% of the countries wealth. Obscene in anyones language. We can only change in my view by making sure people that are working. reach a standard of living that does not require benefits to survive. A minimum living wage for example, but that at present doesn’t suffice in most cases. MPs over the last decade have received twice the percentage of rises compared to front line workers. 24% compared to 12% for those workers outside London. But believe it or not I would not begrudge MPs ( that work for it) their salaries. I don’t believe they are overpaid. In comparison to, for example CEO’ s of previously nationalised industries. My point being our frontline workers have been neglected and are drastically underpaid. Having had pay freezes some yrs. and the government using their dedication to their roles to their advantage. And painting em black when they have the audacity to threaten industrial action. If you work for a company that doesn’t acknowledge unions for example. I reckon they are more likely than not ( some good ones out there btw) to treat their workers the way they see fit. And poorly in lots of cases. Eg Threats of dismissal if seen to be a problem. There’s so much wrong with employment law now compared to pre Brexit, where the government are looking at destroying workers rights. Which instils a fear factor into everyone, I haven’t got the answer. I fortunately work for a company that encourages union membership and in most cases it works well for both parties. Doesn’t stop major disagreements but sometimes those things that unions put forward are of benefit to the company.
Tha dunt half talk ******. I’ve compromised all my union life. I just don’t roll over and have my belly tickled. Don’t assume you know what I mean. You are twisting everything to suit your agenda. Thank fcku you don’t work in industrial relations. Or in fact. Do you.
You are missing the follow on impact when the company say ok you force us to give 12% payrise. As a result 20% of you are on the dole queue in 6 months because its unsustainable. Our economy is slowly recovering, it is simply not the time for this action nor demand. Our union at work pushed for a payrise last year, we have now which has to be partly as a result of that lost nearly 15% of the workforce in redundancy.
Do you honestly believe it’s as simple as that. There will be a reason, it may have strings attached. I’ll wait until all the facts are out. As for the economy let those that can afford it most pay more of their share. We accepted 3% this year with up to 3% based on Nov 21 CPI for next year. ( April 1st) I’m happy to accept even though CPI is expected to reach 5.2%. So we will more than likely take a drop in standard of living. I have a decent standard of living where I’ve been able to go part time and top up with my savings till I reach 66. (1yr) I’m happy with my lot. I reckon everyone should be able to work to live, NOT live to work. Some have had pay freezes over several yrs, I’m guessing Jamie may be one of those. The poorest in society always suffer the brunt instead of those that can afford it. Would I begrudge nurses doctors etc 9%. Not one iota. socialism can run alongside capitalism. To create, in my view, a fairer society. Take a look at Sweden.
Ah yeah Sweden with 9% of the population now unemployed and living on benefits. Not a great advert for socialism. I'm all for people not being in poverty, who isn't.. According to a quick Google £23k per year to drive a bus isnt poverty line, especially with 9% pay increase on top. Our BECTU union managed to get a 1.4% pay rise this year. No better than the employee board. Many folk could have saved the 120 quid per year lining the union bosses pockets for the benefit it has provided. Multiple re orgs over the last 5 years, union at work done Jack ****.
As a self employed person I've taken a 200 per cent pay cut in the last 2 years. Still behind people fighting the ******** though.
Ah yes Britain where working people are claimimg benefits and using foodbanks and millions of children living in poverty is a great advert for capitalism.