So right mate. Lots seem to forget THEY are the union. And they hold the power so to speak. Believe me. I've had several run ins. On this issue alone. We can only push their demands with their full support. Some are so negative in their thinking. it rubs off on others.It becomes a battle to make em think otherwise. This yrs negotiations at my place of work have resulted in great outcomes. Totally beyond folks expectations. People are joining in droves. After seeing what happens when you have strength in numbers. As for complaining I've done my share.
Off topic, but I just needed to point out that Sweden is a neoliberal capitalist country for the most part.
My employer wants me to push back boats and raise the potential of more drownings. My union have gone to court along with other unions and charities to stop it. Not about pay, its about work conditions. We're still arguing with the government over pay, they want their Brexit but don't want to pay for it. Those who dislike workers unionising and fighting for better pay and conditions, most probably only watch the first 30 minutes of a Christmas Carol.
Remind me David lol. I can only think it'd be summat I'd agree with you on. Edit Oops . Mixed it up with another film. Got it lol.
It’s a brilliant advert for capitalism,,,,,, if you’re a capitalist. If you’re not, but still support the system,, you’re a mug!
It's not about that. It's the fact that they have been offered a very good deal under the economic climate yet the union are pushing for more which will ultimately lead to job losses to compensate. That's my point. I'd certainly rather take the 9% offered and not see my mate chucked on the dole queue.
Add to that according to the driver who was in the bar yesterday, he is over the moon about being on strike as the union are paying the drivers a fee to be on strike. When did that start as a practice?
Most unions have a strike solidarity fund, helps maintain the direct action required. It's usually targeted help, for members who are being treated appalling by their employers. In most cases these relate to regional pay disputes, where disparities exist which are usually eye watering. Unions have had to get creative, they've been cut off at the knees in recent decades. Anyone would think governments dont want workers to have rights or have the ability to legally demonstrate and withdraw their labour.
Unite are brilliant, Several of my mates work for them. It's not much about strike action, but dialogue. You can get a more productive workforce with a good TU, it's not all about confrontation.
Very true, if a union and employer can work together to resolve issues it makes a better a better workplace and happier workforce. However when employers take the piss, they need calling out and if required industrial action enacted (in its many forms).
Indeed. I run a DJ agency & whilst I'm a MU member most of the DJs aren't. I pay people at least 50% above the going rate though & that's how I want to run my agency. You get what you pay for as a punter. I'm not struggling for work unless there is a lockdown. I had 18 months of no work & no support from that winker Johnson, so I bloody well know. The Tories are lovely people.
Tell him nowt. Unless he pays his subs lol. On a serious note. If I do a presentation. I now tell anyone (in a general but proper manner, because I don't know em all and some may be new starters.) that's not in the union to not attend next time. I have become more entrenched in my views. As it's the members who don't want em there. As they will not be involved in any ballot.
Is this Stagecoach strike just a Barnsley or a Stagecoach strike? Are they paid the National Average or are they below it? I’ve not read much about it tbf.