Main character off an old channel 4 show called Shameless. The first couple of seasons were outstanding & it was still good for a couple more but gradually got worse as many of it’s best characters were lost as the actors / actresses could get more money on other shows & channels. I’d recommend anyone who hasn’t seen it to at least watch the first couple of series
Don’t know the bloke, but know who people mean. Never once seen or heard him carrying on. Almost struck me as a quiet bloke.
And a gentleman when I was on the dole after being finished at Haribo used to be a sympathetic ear. Always had time for me.
i had a pint with dave yesterday he was upset that a certain person said it was him .he was going to oakwell but he said he was going home ,it was not dave he told me he was not on that train.
With respect. who actually said it was Dave. I hope you put him right that those who actually know Dave have leapt to his defense. I've been known to be called frank. Doesn't upset me one bit. Based on looks not character. My present lookalike is Mrs Brown according to a few. I just tell em to fek off. and those that know me on here that have picked up the resemblance. Fek off afore you start. Back to Dave. please let him know that all those that know him are aware it wasn't him. Idle gossip. That has hopefully put everyone right. I'm not surprised he took the accusation to heart. Just hope he's at preston. So everyone that do know him can make him feel better so to speak.
I used to go to games home and away with Dave. He's a fantastic bloke and I've never heard him say anything remotely racist.
Not sure anyone actually said or even claimed it was him though, did they? Someone said ‘bloke looked like frank from shameless’ then people have assumed it’s Dave. Everyone on this thread that knows him has jumped to his defence, from what I can see. I hope he knows that.
For me ive been referred to him based on character walking into a pub and asking at the bar for a pint and 2 es has me barred from quite a few establishments now.
C and D go everywhere watching Tarn…..mainly good lads but like to get lathered and then owt can happen
It's embarrassing and vile. I witnessed some appalling racist behaviour at a Norwich a couple of years ago directed at the stewards.
The joys of how a thread takes a life of its own. just reread the thread and the closest I can see someone ‘accusing’ him was someone defending him. ‘I know a guy who gets called Frank and he is not racist’.,-1.3042289,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMMWlhpkGF14vYVkD3aN_INfz4d3IOoxX37VcTI!2e10!3e12!6s!7i2640!8i1980!4m7!3m6!1s0x48797212b68e0b11:0x978add20089284b8!8m2!3d53.5445465!4d-1.3041337!14m1!1BCgIgAQ!8m2!3d53.5445465!4d-1.3041337
I think everyone of us have witnessed appalling behaviour. Be it racist or any other. But we should be careful as not to assume an individual's guilt. Mud can stick. Hopefully on this occasion folk have been put right. And it gets put to bed.
I did hear someone shout "stupid apeth" at Arron Leya Iseka. Probably not meant in a racial way but I did find it quite distasteful.
not sure if you're joking or not like, but how can 'apeth' even be considered racist? it means 'half pence' doesn't it, i.e. not worth very much?
It does indeed mean half pence. Afore anyone thinks different. He's joking. (I assume lol.) Or we are really scraping the barrel. I use Daft apeth all the time to my grandkids when they are being funny and silly. "Yer daft apeths' a term used for generations.