If I were Red Bull I'd be complaining about Hamilton slowing everyone down on the formation lap behind the safety car. Interesting Masi given red bull the option to drop behind Hamilton.
Many drivers do, that's the problem. A huge lack of consistency from the FIA Now the race director having some kind of auction and bidding process with mercedes and red bull without the stewards being involved. Absolute shitshow
I think it does happen in race when teams are advised to give a place back. A bit odd it happening during a red flag and Ocon stuck between them.
People always complain that max gets away with things but Lewis gets away with a lot. Hes basically cheated when lining up on the grid 3 times in the last few races and hasn't had a word said to him. In a sport with so much technology and millisecond accurate timings you'd think that things like that would be a clear yes or no rule with set penalties but instead it seems to be down to stewards discretion
Not sure why they accepted either when the standard penalty for that is just 5 seconds added to your time which as leader with ocon behind him Verstappen should easily have been able to manage
What I like about this year is that we've got two amazing racers battling it out but with two completely different skills. One is Mr safe, boring but reliable and consistently smooth, the other extremely inconsistent but always on the edge of brilliance. Whichever team or driver people support I think whoever wins the championship will deserve it.
Hamilton just can't get close enough at the minute through the first sector and we have a VSC every 4 laps! It's all a bit silly this
In the words of mercedes "it's ok. He was told to give the place back". It's an extremely tricky one. Max tried giving the place back, red bull AND mercedes knew he was doing to, just because Mercedes didn't inform their driver is that anyone else's fault but theirs? Max slowed but Lewis didn't go past him, he moved to the same side as max and rammed him. But then max didn't go fully to the side either. Not a clue basically but it's not straight forward
Why was he in the middle of the track though? If you’re giving the place back then you pull over to a side surely.
Oh interesting. Sounds like someone at mercedes is lying here. Race director says they told mercedes that max would be giving the place back. Mercedes claim they didn't. However we've all heard the team radio to Lewis where Mercedes have already admitted that they knew
It's a wide section of track and he was off the racing line. Lewis slowed massively but didn't go round him at all