I think Mr Menai Tyke, all we can do is look at the evidence before us. Mr Barton is one of those unfortunate individuals who, by unhappy chance, happens to be present in the close vicinity of many people who have suffered serious injury and perhaps will suffer serious injuries in the future. I'm sure the jury will join me in extending deepest sympathies to Mr Barton for the additional distress this case has caused him.
I’m not saying it does. But a decent barrister can use it to convince a jury that there’s ‘doubt’. And that’s the nature of the beast. Unfortunately the delays, and the lack of evidence mean this kind of thing is increasingly common. Remember the original charge? The police first on the scene were sure there was enough evidence to pin racially aggravated on Mr Barton, after months of scraping through the evidence they could only get ABH. 2 years later, and there’s not enough reliable evidence even for that. We all know what happened (or at least believe we do); but putting enough evidence to convince a jury is a different game altogether.
Well, it's possible that Joey brushed into Daniel and didn't feel a thing. That would be one eg. Kirkby correct in seeing Barton barge Joey, but jury find there is no real evidence it was intentional.
The sad thing is if he'd have been found guilty his wife may have felt brave enough to go to court for the domestic abuse trial. I doubt she will now though. Daniel and Nathan if you're reading this, I believe your accounts.
It's a pity somebody can't accidentally nudge Barton without feeling it. Ideally while holding a piece of four by two. Allegedly.
Yes, I knew the point of your post and I entirely agree with the scenario as you've explained it. I just don't think it's fair that's all, because we don't have a memory for everything, we don't have the disc space, just the relevant things. Admittedly, not always for them either, but for things like this eye witness account we do. But life isn't fair.
One day he'll do something similar when there's cctv there. Hope he had loads of sleepless nights before the trial, those initial tweets had it right. Bristol Rovers at Oakwell in the FA cup anyone?
Too much of a coward for that to happen, attack from behind, women and youngsters are his victims of choice the cowardly bully.
From SSN reporter looks like the Judge more or less suggested to the Jury in his summing up that there was enough doubt to acquit as no one mentioned a blue cap he had been wearing or saw his face , although the witness clearly identified Barton from behind but failed to mention the cap .DeeDar jury fell for it
I don't understand why the CPS brought the case in the first place,I think it was due to Mr Barton's alleged reputation. However, the reason I say this is because to get a conviction in English Law you have to have Mens Rea (guilty mind leading to intentional behaviour ) and Actus Reus ( the actual criminal act), together. The jury had no alternative but to find him not guilty. Daniel suffered an injury, that is not in doubt,HOW? he did is,and without corroboration and evidence, it can't be prosecuted. All of us are equally under the protection of Justice in the UK, I believe it to be best thing about this country. It has to be defended and protected from Politicians and unsavoury elements in the media and wealthy individuals, who don't want a searchlight on their behaviour.
Hear hear! Unless of course you're a Government minister. Then you can ignore the law if it suits you as Johnson has clearly stated is his intention.