I'm not sure that can be said though, because with every announcement that comes out of his mouth the majority of people duly follow. He has them over a barrel through emotional blackmail I.e. wear a mask or you could kill your granny etc. Get jabbed or you'll kill your granny and have your rights stripped. But he is perhaps the biggest liar this country has ever had at the helm, which is saying something. Interesting on the latest today. 12st Sept: Javid says England vaccine passport plans ditched 8th Dec: better get your passports ready
That’s it, now we know those of us who opposed the restrictions were correct. Authoritarian restrictions are normalised with no end goal - they’re here forever. There’s nothing that will be different next year, or the year after that; there will always be new variants. Accepting lockdowns ended normal life in this country as we knew it.
Genuine question. Had there been no lockdowns at all last year, what do you think the effect would have been on the NHS?
I hate figures like that without context. It could be horrific or it could be a increase of 3 people. Have they increased from a low or high base?
This will put hospitality in serious trouble and no furlough to fall back on this time. Are all these businesses just supposed to absorb the cost of implementing vaccine passport checks too? It's as expected a utter shambles. Do we have any examples of countries in which vaccine passports have successfully prevented a big increase in infections?
Nope none. Mainly because vaccines don't stop you from catching and spreading it. They stop you being seriously ill from it but that's all
Except they haven’t. It’s just another Whitty lie. The actual number is about 165%. The bloke lies more than Johnson. I think he thinks we can’t check his ********: https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z...ts/daily-hospital-surveillance-datcov-report/
schoolboy maths error forgetting to remove the original number - I mean you do need to multiply 1284 by 265% to get to 3390 Had the figure remained at 1284 do you think he would have said there had been a 100% increase Apart from that though figures in a largely unvaccinated country with a totally different culture are not really that helpful for us in the UK. It will be interesting to see how UK hospitalisations change over the next 2 -3 weeks, I have no idea how they will change and I suspect neither has Whitty but I really doubt that the plan B stuff will make much difference
Well at 64 if that means I will have flue like symptoms instead of being on a ventilator, that will do me fine thanks. I’d rather not have it at all though
He wqs replying to my question if Vaccine PASSPORTS have any evidence of successful preventing a rise in infections. The evidence Vaccines work is clear to see and is a credit to the very clever people who developed them.
Except that it's just "Omicron". There is no B. It's just the next suitable letter in the Greek alphabet after having skipped one or two due to potentially awkward double meanings in other languages.