You joking he was definitely a key player at the time look at the assists and goals he gave us from the wing in league one in half a season and spent time injured. The reason used was to balance the books but still had 2 years left and 1.5 million in the middle if a promotion campaign was peanuts. Its a good job jacob brown stepped up and filled his role.
Like I said regular but wouldnt class as key player. Can think of quite a few who would have been higher up the list than him. You can disagree with that opinion as is your right. But I’d rather have lost him than many others who could have gone for much more.
Id have rather lost him than pinnock,davies,mowatt,moore or woodrow who were the spine of the team. But selling him was a big gamble in the middle of a promotion push its a good job brown filled in but could have gone either way