We haven’t done far better. We have done pretty much worse than every other developed nation. Whatever we do then do the opposite is the best advice.
As you know not a fan of Keir but it’s daft to criticise him for supporting basic public health measures. It’s clearly the right thing to do.
I mean, I could point out that you’re never going to find a politician who will agree with everything you find ideal. Pointless I fear though. Nearly as pointless as pointing out that I’d sooner have a Labour leader who opposed the things the government do or propose, as and when he is opposed to it on grounds of what he feels right for the country - not just because he wants to be Tommy Opposite to everything Boris does. The very fact that on a thread re the restrictions being brought in by the government, someone is having a go at the leader of the opposition, as opposed to the buffoon actually running the country, is a sad indictment of the job that has been done on the people of this country; it’s like the rhetoric of the media has changed from ‘Boris is great we love the tories’ to ‘yeah, we know Boris is a tw.at and the tories are sh.it but look over there, there’s a boat with some migrants in - and isn’t Keir Starmer weak and useless’ - a dead cat deflecting attention and being used to gaslight - and the masses lap it up. If there was an election tomorrow the tories would win it. And I find that absolutely baffling.
But claims such as 'it can infect the vast majority in a room' are bordering on factual, and my question is where is the proof? It is the same with the Delta variant. I went to a wedding last month, there was over 100 there. We are led to believe the Delta is deadly and yet nobody fell ill, during or after. No masks, no distancing. I'm not saying it can't be passed on, but I believe the reaction is too much the other way. And being precautionary and waiting for the science to catch up - I understand, people are scared - but if we lived our lives doing that with every ailment that comes along we would be scared to leave the house. And that's what's happening now. That is why we shouldn't make claims, and talk it up, unless it's our experience, unless we have seen it with our own eyes. The people who have lost loved ones from a new variant, they can talk about it as witnesses. I just cannot trust figures and predictions from the media and the government based on what if and what might be. People are suffering hugely with their mental states because of this, and for how much longer? And for what, because a new variant might spread, might do this, might do that - well, tell me what it has done, show me the evidence, and then we can react. You can't always plan for these things, if you try you end up with pointless lockdowns, unnecessary mask-wearing, and people taking their own lives through fear, isolation, and acute anxiety.
I said "it can" as there have been examples of it doing so. 70% of the 120 attending the Scatec Christmas party in Oslo for instance. The Victoria Derbyshire tweet about her brother's Xmas meal where 17 of 21 in the party have tested positive.
Election is 2 years away. There will be a lot more pressing economic reasons no doubt that will away peoples votes.
But many people will read that (or see it reported) and think, blimey this thing is going to spread like wildfire, I best avoid going into rooms with other people. It's already happening all over again and it is hugely detrimental to people's mental health and the way we interact. As I said, we should look at the facts before our eyes. Media scare tactics do no favours, and we shouldn't underestimate its power.
I think this mess might see a rebirth of sorts for the Liberal Democrats who have made it clear they are against the vaccine passports.
You are correct but if my MP votes in favour of vaccine passports I will never vote for him again. Its a hill I am very much willing to die on. Politicians may have no principles but I'm going to stick by mine.
I find it soul destroying; are people really that stupid/ apathetic/ brain washed? They are being shafted and laughed at and still vote for them? Why?!!
Already tweeting about something coming in that hasn't yet been voted in. Boris knows he's got the sheep of the opposition on his side to get it through.
If people can't be arsed to get the vaccine what makes them think they should be allowed to immerse themselves in crowds where the majority of people have? With rights come responsibilities.
Why can’t they just take a negative test? Regardless of your vaccination status, you could be stood next to me passing on the virus.
To be fair I think that's what Boris has proposed? I'd have thought it's easier and quicker to get vaxxed rather than fanny about with tests everytime you want to go anywhere.
But the vaccine doesn't stop you catching or spreading the virus so why does it matter if you're vaccinated or not? If I am in a large gathering and I'm unvaccinated I'm no more likely to catch covid than you are if you are at the sake gathering and fully vaccinated. The only difference is you're less likely to be I'll from it. If you are in a large gathering, full vaccinated and asymptomatic you are just as likely to spread the virus to poor old Doris (hi Jamdrop) as I am if I am unvaccinated and asymptomatic. We were told initially that 'early signs suggest' that it prevents or lowers transmission but these claims haven't been mentioned for many months now because the statistics didn't back up the claims.
He probably read it on some anti-vaxxer website. The problem for a lot of people is that they don't understand the science and feel threatened by it, ending up believing all sorts of crackpot ideas that chime with their world view. Obviously the internet and social media has made this much worse.
If the vaccine stops you from getting seriously ill, you won't be coughing and spluttering over people and your viral load will be lower thereby reducing the quantity of virus that you shed. While not eliminating the spread, it will be reduced from the spread you would see from unvaccinated people who have such symptoms.
Yet the statistics and evidence doesn't back up that argument. There has been no reduction in spread. In fact despite our much higher vaccination rate in the UK than in South Africa the R number for transmission of Omicron is significantly higher here than there.
Fair point but look at the 2 countries, here it's winter and we're all indoors, in South Africa it's summer and everyone is outdoors....