I don’t care if he had a blue nose and a paper party blower tbh . Nothing and I mean nothing is as bad as what we’ve got today and to say they are as bad as each other while this pilfering, lieing self rewarding lot are dragging the country into the abyss is just stupid imo.
Well not an easy choice because.... drum roll.... wait for it.... wait for it.... THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!
I completely agree, but without a powerful opposition what chance do we have? Labour have been sinking for years, it's a terrible shame and I don't have any faith in the current crop. That's not to say they're as bad as each other, because they clearly are not.
Bonkers to think only a month ago local Councils were sat in Supermarkets giving them away and now we don’t have enough. Does anyone forward plan? Not like nobody expected an increase during the Winter.
And to think - with all this talk of a 'tsunami' of cases that is supposedly going to sweep the land - that they expected everyone who comes into contact with someone with covid to take one a day for seven days? If the projections were true we'd need about 420 million.