Yeah even the children they do manage to save are placed with foster carers before loving family members. It's ludicrous.
There are a lot of reasons. They obviously try to keep families together but one child might be faring worse in a family and gets put into care. Could be they have SEN, have suffered a particular trauma that the family can't cope with, are at risk of SA if they remain in the family home, all sorts of reasons.
Mother has got away extremely lightly there (no surprise). I hope that the sentence is appealed and she's given double that.
Yeah I could see what was going to happen in my opening post in the thread. Both will have to sleep with one eye open. Brockhill doesn't seem to care. She's shown no remorse laughing in the court room.
As far as I can see there was absolutely no excuse for letting these 2 tragic cases run to the conclusion they did. So many red flags and warnings that remedial action should have been taken if people were capable of doing their jobs properly. As for the scumbag perpetrators lets hope Karma comes into play and they get exactly what they deserve!
A small percentage of child abuse cases are reported to the authorities. People need to be more vigilant. I have no answer to these issues not being an expert. But I do remember the Cleveland child sex abuse era. When innocent people had their children taken away. Due to the examinations offering no other explanations than abuse. Umpteen families suffered the loss of their children being taken into care and the stigma that followed. I would rather be safe than sorry and put em into care until a full investigation is conducted. But those innocent parents must have gone through hell. My heart goes out to those children who suffer. And those wrongly accused. I was going to post a thread about Star. Last night. But I was too upset to approach the subject. God Bless you Star. RIP little girl. I hope your torturers rot in hell.
This with bells on. A mother of 5 turned up to a school on a Friday teatime, sat outside and phoned social services saying she wasn't collecting the kids as she no longer wanted them. My 24 year old daughter who has a 3 year old herself, was asked by a family member if she would be willing to take on one of them, without hesitation she said yes as she had known this little boy his whole life. The youngest was taken in by another family member and the other 3 were taken in by an auntie and grandparents. The youngest turned out to have so many mental scars from seeing some of the things his parents got up to that he needed more experienced Foster carers and after 6 months was rehoused. 18 months later and he's on his 3rd Foster family. The boy staying with my daughter, was settled he had finally got a place of safety and a home. When he 1st came I caught him eating anything he could find outside, because they had been left without food sometimes for days so he ate what he could find until we drilled it into him that the cupboards were full and he can eat whatever he wanted when he wanted. Took about a month, but he got there. 18 months on and several court hearings and it was decided that he could stay with my daughter until he was 16 or longer, roll on a few months and he has been put with another family because a social worker hadn't dotted the i's or crossed the t's properly. Now this may or may not be down to them being overworked, but when you have kids lives at stake you need to take a step back and make sure everything is done correctly.
Has your daughter got hope of getting him back. I hope so. It must be worrying for the lad. Wondering what the hell is happening. Your daughter must make you feel proud btw.
Very proud, to step up at that age and help that little boy was amazing. No there's no way of getting him back, he's now in mainstream fostering. Another kid in the system that for 18 months had a proper family for the 1st time even called me and the wife grandma and grandad. Daughter was heartbroken the day he went as we all were, but she's strong and can feel very proud of what she did
Truly awful mate. I hope there's a way round it. Given the court decision. Although it doesn't appear so.
Well I said after the death of Arthur until there is the right deterrent for these scumbags it will carry on.The queue for pulling that lever is getting longer.
I don't normally swear on this forum but that is effing disgusting.I previously worked in a correctional facility and from experience I hope they have a lovely time !.
We're too soft in the u.k. Just seen it on the news. I think being a parent brings it home more. As for @kektyke my heart goes out to you, more so your daughter and your family. Fc king disgusting.