Thanks for that. It was interesting. Mr Conway seems to have no problems with self confidence, nor with the ability to overlook certain things that do not quite fit.
Such is my disillusionment with us at the moment I can't even be bothered to listen to it. Especially knowing he doesn't explain or comment on why all the teams they own are struggling, and he wasn't asked about the £750k.
He's extremely confident and really quite eloquent and charismatic when addressing a subject he's comfortable with, when he's steering the conversation. If he's ever asked a difficult question the facade disappears and the petulant little boy comes out and it's not very attractive at all.
I’ve just listened to the interview. A very confident guy but honestly talking very superficially about the plan. His constant reference to data makes it sound like other clubs don’t use data or are less data driven. Maybe that was the case 10 years ago but certainly not now. He also makes bold claims that are patently not true, especially with OGC Nice. Built the new ground, they arrived 2016, stadium was completed 2013. Attendances rose massively, when they arrived the average attendance was just over 19k, when they left, just over 19k. He certainly doesn’t let the truth get in the way of a good story, but hey that’s ok.
Far be it for me to accuse them of being Con ......way -Artists But successful con artists do and tend to talk very confidently on there chosen subjects People who talk very confidently and as a matter of fact come across as being very believable to a lot of people hence people are taken in by them and that includes the full spectrum of people from the so called bottom to the top echelon's of people what seems on the face of it to be some very unbelievable statements or business ventures can be made to sound like they cannot fail and are a guaranteed sure thing. they lie or twist and bend facts to suit there agenda. One click on Youtube or other such T.V channels or written /digital media interviews and you are bombarded by confident sounding "Business people" or "Guru's" talking or answering questions in a matter of fact way. promising you unbelievable opportunity's and investments to make easy money risk free or guidance and courses which in no time will have you living the dream life in a dream house and all your money worries gone. An interview with our supreme leader Paul Conway. I’ve not listened yet but interested to hear what he has to say.
It's telling that he spends more time courting generic media interviews than he does addressing the very relevant concerns of fans at the clubs he has a stake in. He seems very keen to have his rabble associated with the structures of City Group and Red Bull, despite the differences being stark. I'm not going to listen to him, there is nothing I want to hear him say. If I wanted to hear someone delusional and who struggles to answer specific questions, I'd listen to our Prime Minister.
I've not checked, but are fans of the other clubs ranting away like ours... They did at Nice that we do know
The rage at OGC Nice seemed more intense than here. But then they did face an explicit existential threat given the bizarre loan and the terms they were taken on. The other clubs are newer in their ownership, so it may not be manifesting as yet and we don't know the individual circumstances at each club and what time it may take for any issues to be visible. What is pretty obvious though. At a glance, none of the clubs they own seem to be overperforming in terms of league position.