23,000 Tory majority to near-on 6,000 Lib Dem majority! The backbenchers will be getting well twitchy!
It's difficult to see it as more than a protest vote but, nevertheless, it's very nice to see that punch land!
Doesn’t that simply mean that a lot of the electorate in that constituency (who would have voted Tory) stayed home because they couldn’t vote for a party that’s failed them, but didn’t feel strongly enough to vote for someone else. I know that if I was feeling disenfranchised with a Labour government I might choose to stay home rather than vote for someone else. And I can’t think I’m unique in that respect.
Not sure you can read anything into it from a Labour perspective. I think most of the Labour voters on this forum would have held their nose and voted lib-dem in those circumstances.
The Labour vote is pretty irrelevant in that area. It’s a Middle class rural farm area. Im shocked it’s gone against the Tories but it doesn’t matter who to, as long as it’s changed from Blue.
Agreed it’s why I put the proviso. Labour didn’t put much effort into the seat and need LDs to be strong but at the same time Starmer has spent a year trying almost exclusively targeting tory voters so not making in roads into that had to be a private disappointment.
Looks to me like there are 12,032 deluded people that will stand for egg under cap, in North Shropshire.
Not wishing to be negative, but it hardly matters in a by-election does it? They know the party they voted for at the last election is still going to be in power, so just give them a wakeup call and lose nothing. Unless of course, the outgoing MP was a bigger *** than we all thought.
There’s only one conclusion from this result and that is that the clown has stopped being funny. There’s a bloke with a top hat on in the wings with a crook to haul him off stage. Hope you like the metaphor.
Absolutely delighted at the result. A 29,000 swing is huge and its one less Tory in Westminster. It is a by election, and it could well flip back, but I think there is much more to come in terms of incompetence and corruption and enquiries galore. It's not just Johnson implicated in all of it, his cabinet and MP's have voted through plenty of things that will unravel and leave their smear. Once sleaze and corruption finally cut through, it's very hard to shake off.
And it’s also why Starmer has just been biding his time and watching it all unfold and unravel in front of him. I think his stance on Covid and lockdowns has been poor, but his ability to only stick the knife in now and again will pay off. Only issue is it’s brought the Lib Dems back from the death - but that’s no bad thing overall.
The crazy thing is, if they'd taken the 30 day suspension, triggered a by election and just taken their medicine, I suspect they would have retained the seat quite comfortably and little of the scandals landing day after day would have occurred, or at least, had the same resonance.