They’ll be talking about that tackle for the duration when it goes back to the studio because there’s f*ck all else to talk about.
Credit where it's due. As poor a game as it was to watch, that's a point I didn't expect to get this evening.
It was studs up, high / over the top. Red card any day of the week. Glad the ref gave him a yellow so no retrospective come back.
WBA played the game at practice pace until the last ten minutes. Only got themselves to blame for that result.
Doesn't matter. Referee gave yellow. That's it. The end. We can debate this all night long. The referee have a yellow card. And as we of all clubs know, the referee dealt with it and a yellow card is never upgraded. Done Edit (Sorry was just agreeing btw)
Happy with a point but that was an utterly depressing performance and game as a whole. We offered nothing in the way of performance except for some very good last ditch defending. Horrible to watch.