Based on a previous chat on here its possible to summarise many films a la Bossman. As an initial offering I would suggest: The Ten Commandments - Jewish ex prince comes back to free his folk. Gets short shrift. Causes problems. Folk get freed. End. Any suggestions?
Star Wars episodes IV - IV Orphan finds out he's magic, also finds out he's not an orphan, close call with some incest, kills an old dude, dad dies so is now a genuine orphan, small bipedal bears celebrate. There are some ghosts.
Prefer Malcolm Tuckers description Malcolm Tucker : It's time for you to step up Ollie. What's that film that you love? Oliver Reeder : What film? Malcolm Tucker : The one about the f@*@* hairdresser, the space hairdresser and the cowboy. The guy, he's got a tin foil pal and a pedal bin. His father's a robot and he's f*#&$& f*&*@& his sister. Lego! They're all made of f***$* Lego. Oliver Reeder : Star Wars? Malcolm Tucker : That's the one, right. It's like that, okay? Where you f*@**@* kill all the bad guys, and you'll be able to blow up the big... Oliver Reeder : Death Star. Malcolm Tucker : The Death Star thing. Then you can go and live happily ever after on the planet of the teddy bears. Oliver Reeder : They're Ewoks, they're Ewoks. It's a fantastic analogy, well done
Jaws Big fish eats some holidaymakers, Mayor hires stubborn old sharkhunter to kill it but it sinks his boat and eats him but the local sheriff along for the ride and who cant swim blows big fish up and paddles back to shore
Psychopathic leader trapped in bunker rants a lot, kills himself and his dog, and the Russians take over the city.
Banker goes to gaol for something he didn't do, then escapes. Becomes mates with good voiceover artist along the way.
Some cockneys plan a robbery in Italy. They nick the loot but on the way home they get stuck on a cliff
Guy eating a burger gets shot, girl snorts the wrong stuff, Bruce Willis chooses the sword over the chainsaw, Marvin shuts up permanently, Sam Jackson does not dig on swine.