Rates around Barnsley at the moment are actually among the lowest in the country, or they were when I looked on Friday anyway.
Genuinely don’t think there’ll be any return to the tier system. They had their fingers burnt with it last year (especially in the north west with Burnham), and it didn’t really do much in terms of halting the spread - it’s not like Yorkshire is an island so it’s fairly pointless letting people in Nottingham go out for a pint but not people in Sheffield. Wouldn’t be surprised if the outcome is a press conference with lots of wibble about personal responsibility over Christmas and other ‘voluntary’ measures.
Yes asda ready in 3 minutes smartprice xmas dinner, egg custard to finish washed down with a few super skol socialising with my cat.... no chance boris is putting a stop to that.
Those making the laws don't abide by them and the police don't care when they don't. Why the fcèk would I care what the Hitler reincarnated in number 10 says or tries to dictate to me? He can fcèk off and for all I care. My biggest regret in the last 18 months is wishing the horrible ******* well when he caught covid last year. In hindsight I wish it had finished him off, in doing so it would have saved so many other lives cost due to his decisions. Edit: took out one part which I didn't mean
Edited out the painful death part. That was wrong of me. I wouldn't care one bit if he died, that's true, but I wouldn't wish it to be painful for all but the most evil of people.
Well maybe for us…. Just seen on the news the party hats delivered and a few dozen crates of dom perignon 1978.
This is from one of my favourite albums of all time. I was never into the brit pop movement in the mid 90s, but Kula Shaker K is an absolute masterpiece and reminds me of the Summer of '97 when I was 15 and just starting to spend afternoons drinking with my mates...
He will blame it on being the second lowest place in Yorkshire for having a booster. https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/best-worst-places-yorkshire-take-22496304
I think I was one of the few round here that wasn't that happy when thatcher died, I wanted her to live for ever and every day to be twice as painful as the day before.
I'd like to just say that the numbers don't back up any of the media's extreme clamour for increased Covid measures. Hospitalization's and deaths have remained stable. I think the number of cases is dictating things too much and people are getting caught up in the frenzy it is creating. My self included.