No. My point was that I think it would be an involuntary reaction. You can’t involuntary chop someone up.
But it's fundamentally the same point. You have a choice between 5 people dying through inaction, or only one person dying if you take action. You're killing someone by diverting the trolley.
It's an interesting one because it IS different but only in the means. The outcome is exactly the same
I’m beyond giving a **** what that clown car lovely person has to say but happy to listen to the scientists and act on their recommendations
Funnily enough I’m hearing the opposite, that they’ve resisted the calls for any further restrictions for now. I guess we’ll know soon.
I find your answers really interesting. Because I've asked myself the questions for the past 10 years and never been able to answer them. I think you could well be right that in the heat of the moment you're more likely to do it but when given time to think maybe not but I honestly can't say for sure. I find it all especially interesting with covid because it's not too dissimilar to the questions we've all had to ask ourselves for the last couple of years. Do we sacrifice the safety of some people to try to ensure the safety of others? I don't mean to get into a debate about that at all, I'm mentioning it more to show the similarities and probably why we all have different opinions to different degrees too. Personally I want to know why we've got 6 people hanging around on train tracks the silly sods
I can’t remember myself but apparently it was where all shops etc. are open but you could only meet up to 6 people outdoors (including in pubs which as it will be January is the worst possible scenario for them as no financial help and presumably no customers).
That person is expected to make a full recovery. Not brain dead. Commiting murder in effect or natural progression. Which is the worst on the conscience. Those requiring transplants may still get one. The donor dies unnecessarily. We can't play god so to speak. The Train one Tbh. Is exploding my brain as to what is ethical. And I come up with, 1 to save 5 if inevitable. And live with the consequences of my actions. But if the 1. Was a child of mine, bo110x to the ethical side. Which idiot decided to put us on the spot. Boris Btw caused many deaths with his mishandling of the situation especially early doors. Not Protecting care homes the biggest **** up of the lot, given what he knew about the most vulnerable. It wasn't rocket science, Just his incompetence,
Yes, the bottom line is that this government has killed it's own people. A combination of apathy, aloofness, deliberate policy, incompetence and ineffectiveness means that Johnson and his incorruptible team have blood on their hands. But Corbyn.......
Going back to the train thing, this is exactly what programmers making autonomous cars have to decide ... who do we kill ... or rather who do we keep alive?
The Germans have taken a leaf from The Clown instruction manual and have done something pointless so that can be seen to be doing something. Even with their reduced testing they are running at a similar rate to the U.K. and omicron is transmitting locally Allowing tested UK people in who have to be restested on entry isn’t going to affect their rates but it’s good PR The French have more justification for their ban but it’s gone down like a lead balloon in the ski resorts who get 1/4 of their revenue from Brits. Shutting out the UK the week most resorts fully open is a real vote loser for Macron. That may get reversed in January
Just got in from work, missed all this, but to sum up, has Boris decided just to not to make a decision?