Alt right supporting, anti reality f*ckwit keyboard warrior provides his finest retort. Bravo!!! It's like January all over again.
So what professionals do you listen to? Or are they all part of the big conspiracy? I'm guessing Cletus from Nebraska provides you with sound Facebook advice daily. Well once he's finished doing his mother over the kitchen table, fingering his pet pig and trying to spice things up by seducing his cousin.
Interesting to note the few cases of myocarditis or pericarditis following mRNA vaccines are now being attributed to incorrect use of the syringe. It was previously believed that you didnt need to aspirate before delivering the vaccine into a muscle. This is the bit where they insert the needle and then pull back a little to see if there is any blood indicating the presence of a blood vessel. Apparently there is a credible school of thought that says you must aspirate even when injecting into a muscle such as the deltoid muscle where there are no major blood vessels. Of course this means that each injection takes a little longer which of course in the greater scheme of things is quite a bit of a drawback.
Not sure kids so young need it who dont have underlying health issues. They can still spread it and catch it with the jab the risks of the jab outweigh giving children it for me. But do what you think is right for you and your child.
Sounds like it’s the thing that’s reducing complications so much in Denmark. If it’s true, it should be a no brainer. Takes an extra 5-10 seconds to aspirate.
Woof. There are many people to have a balanced and sensible debate with. Fortunately you aren’t one of them though so I’m more than happy to laugh at you.
I get that you're a bit slow Jimmy but the people that you take your trusted 'scientific' guidance from are all either in receipt of research grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or shareholders in pharmaceutical companies that produce Covid vaccines. If you would like me to explain how this might influence their opinions regarding vaccination policy I'll get my 5 year old daughter to explain it for you in easy to follow language sometime. The fact that you've brainwashed your 11 year old daughter into believing that she might kill granny if she doesn't get jabbed pretty much says it all about you.
Out of order. 1. Sure some of the experts he trusts may fit into those categories (I've no idea who does or doesn't) but to say they all do is just a lie. 2. Questioning his parenting is bang out of order
There’s a fantastic public service being offered here and I for one am grateful. Here’s how it works; if you read a post by Casual Tyke and you think it sounds plausible. You need to take a lie down, maybe sign up for some evening classes. Lock yourself out of Facebook and probably Twitter too until you’ve learned to think critically.
Personally, I would encourage her to have it, but let her make the final decision. I certainly wouldn't stop her from having it if she wanted it and neither would I force her to have it if she didn't.
How science works, you research and if you find something new or better you publish your findings. These findings are then either accepted or disproven via a peer review. Your response about parenting by the way pretty much sums you up. You're a thick nasty lovely person, who likes to use his keyboard as a way of hurting people. Either log off and bog off or go see a doctor.
This pillock only pops up after school kicking out time or during school holidays. He disappears around 17:30-19:00, is that when his Mam calls him for tea and then bath time?
We let our 12 year old make her own decision. She wanted to have it and hasn't had any issues. She's now keen to get a second jab.
Folk like him undermine the real unanswered stuff, which do require further investigation. I'm a newly converted UFO/UAP enthusiast, in that community there are some way out people, but I'm in total agreement there is something which needs looking at. JFK, I'm 100% certain the full story wasn't told. Same with 9/11. But where there's gaps in knowledge and truth you get varying scales of extremism. I will never take my source material from unsubstantiated materials and will always check credentials and if findings have been peer reviewed. I'm a trained a investigator, so would be bad if I fell down the rabbit hole. I will say this though, I almost bit on that Dr Judy woman to my shame in relation to Covid. In my defence I was suffering with long covid and just wanted answers, and to feel better. It was short lived, and once I was able function and drink rum again I was fine lol!
I find most Internet trolls are like Gremlins. Don't get them wet, they'd struggle to find a towel (mum usually does that for them). They don't like daylight If you feed them after midnight they get stomach cramps and that leads to bellyaching online. They can't use a blender, and are most likely to cook themselves in a microwave.
I try to look at everything with a healthy dose of cynicism and the application of common sense. Everyone should. You're right. Any real behind the scenes manipulators must laugh their socks off at conspiracy nuts. While they're predicting the reinstatement of Trump, the return from the dead of JFK Jr and bursting into pizza restaurants with automatic rifles looking for a non existent cellar they undermine any issues of genuine concern.