Boy helps schoolgirl pay for an abortion in the 1950s in the hope of becoming her boyfriend,but once he`d payed for it she went back to the boy who impregnated her in the first place.
Dallas football team spends pleasant afternoon with Deborah. Texas man struggles to turn hedge trimmer off, asks neighbours for help and it all goes t1ts up. Four British toffs get wed and one of their mates croaks.
High ranking Royal Naval Officer in a very cold race South. Comes second and dies with pals on return.
Locke Man with dreadful fake Welsh accent drives down the M40 and takes a ridiculous number of phone calls along the way.
3 films on a similar theme, in their shortened form. Paranoid schizophrenic is really good at maths. Closet homosexual is really good at codebreaking. Man with degenerative condition is really good at astrophysics.