No idea but there is a good chance it will either be behind closed doors or the crowd will be limited for social distancing reasons giving Blackburn and others 48 hours in a holiday period to implement it
Bet we've sold a few more since Stoke got called off. If Boris holds firm and doesn't follow Drakeford and Sturgeon in ruining the economy the match should take place with fans.
Case numbers are starting to flatten to be fair and outside London it’s got nowhere near as bad as the SAGE guys have been predicting. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Omicron cases peaked a week ago so Boris should hold firm and not give us more restrictions when cases are now going down like they already have in South Africa.
Boris should hold firm. It's 5hit or bust for him. If he holds firm and cases continue to drop and the effect data is released to ministers. It could make Drakeford and Sturgeon look like a couple of bleating c nuts and win him some votes.
That's what really boils my piss. If it's the North's problem it's the North's problem; if it's London's problem it's the whole country's problem and we all have to suffer with em.
To be honest, I doubt the club would be too disappointed if our game away to the most in form team in the league was called off.
It’s not really cases that matter though, it’s hospitalisations and deaths. Plus testing will be well up so there’s always going to be more positive cases. Deaths are actually flat nationwide even since omicron and hospital numbers nationally are only up around 6%. Fingers crossed but it’s not looking as bad as the SAGE guys were predicting.
Not getting involved in a debate or a row. Just gonna chuck this in as food for thought. Are cases not going up because no bugger can get a test? There’s always a decent lag between an increase in cases and a rise in hospitalisations/ deaths. They’ve absolutely no idea how many people have it or what that will lead to (and hopefully it ain’t too bad). I’m in for my booster later and more than happy to crack on with life, being careful and respectful while I’m doing so of course. But would you blame them erring on the side of caution after last time, and the time before?
I haven't heard about South Africa needing mass burials or anything and that was a month prior. Apologies for the morbid humour. I accept there's a lag in data.
Lots talk about the severity of omnicron and Hospitalisations may well be down. But the rate of infection has decimated the NHS. Putting a strain on the rest of those staff available. It's estimated nearly 10% of clinical staff. May be off on xmas day.
Can’t believe Blackburn the team are doing so well it was only last season that the majority of there fans wanted Mowbray out and said he hadn’t a clue then they go and sell there top scorer in the summer and then suddenly with basically the same team they are having a storming season.Maybe hope for us after all.
I sort of forgot about Armstrong, which I suppose is the biggest compliment you can pay them! Credit to Mowbray, to think they all wanted him out 6 months ago. One of footballs maddest stories is Brereton, an absolute bang average plodder of a striker, making up a new name for himself and becoming prime Benzema. Crazy times!!