Correct and not my favourite person btw - agree with what he is saying here however regardless of my distaste for the guy
Total of 1,200 deaths for under 40s in England and Wales since the pandemic began. Population 59 million. 390 total deaths of under 40s up until Christmas last year, before anyone got vaccinated. Population 59 million. Obviously, awful for those people and their families. But we need to consider co-morbidity factors, too. I wish turds like Blair would stop talking like this virus wipes out every single person who catches it. It clearly isn't the case, so less fearmongering. Vaccinate the over 60s and the vulnerable. Open the NHS back up and let folk get on with their lives. All I want for Christmas is my government to stop threatening me every 5 minutes.
Prefer the New York approach. $100 to have a booster. Much more persuasive.
Why do people only measure this in deaths and hospitalisations. This virus debilitates a lot of people for a long time and can leave them with life long problems.
My old man said never take an idiot with you. You will meet one when you get there. And never get into an argument with one. They will beat you hands down on experience.
The mrs had a call this morning with one of her newer members of staff. She’d personally lost 52 friends and family to Covid. But I suppose, none of them were me so I want my country back.
I think you can want to get back to normal and still empathise with those who have lost people. It isn't selfish for wanting to get on with things.
How we have arrived at a country we a sizeable minority will not do things that are pain free and minor in the bigger scheme of things to protect others I will never know. If I can change my behaviour in a minor way or have a pain free jab that saves just one person ending up in ICU I will do it. Not sure why anyone would act differently.
Same here JV. So far this year I've had C-19 1,2 & 3, Flu Jab and even Pneumonia Jab. I'll be as mad as hell if I get knocked down by a car!
As far as what Blair has said here I tend to agree with his thinking on this one point. However I wouldn't go out and generalise and call people who don't have it idiots. Firstly it probably won't persuade anyone to have it. Secondly However small the number some people have died as a a result of having the vaccine. As its been pointed out to me, imagine being one of those relatives hearing someone coming out and saying that. It's unnecessary and unhelpful.