In maybe 3/10 years' time when someone asks you if you remember 2021, they will say Yes that's the year " are soo and so deed with covid" scary init.
Sorry Mansfield Red,it and I'm not racist or xenophobic. The whole point of my post,which some people have got is this... The Daily Mail and other Right wing media outlets,are making a big thing of this person and pushing the whole patriotic, Britain is best line. All I'm doing is holding up a mirror and searchlight on my perceived massive hypocrisy and contradiction of their behaviour. There are other immigrants to the UK,who contribute enormously to this country but who daily, are abused and/or ignored and sometimes attacked by these very organisations. I hope that clears that up for you MT and anyone else on the BBS who has and is calling me a racist.
No worries MT, people have comented recently that they have to read my posts a couple of times to pick up what I'm saying.
OK, there has been a hell of a lot of deaths in 2021 caused by covid I personally lost my father to covid and another relation plus 2 friends so if anyone asks me what I thought about 2021 in years to come it would be just that and I would think many more people would do the same and if tha can't get that, well, I hope it's not like trying to knock a nail in a knot.