For me I'd go @Baka , @Terry Nutkins and @JLWBigLil . Either due to being funny or clearly decent people
I've sat next to JLWBL at Oakwell for almost 20 years and regularly meet up with Terry at half time, or did prior to whatever we're living through now. They haven't half done a number on you! Kidding, obviously, both even nicer in 'real' life than they are on here.
Fired, Jamdrop, Redhelen for starters. Get more sense that way! If forced to enlist my own gender, Bossman for entertainment, JLWBL for knowledge and Grandfathertyke for wisdom! Sadly, as I'm not on anyone else's list I'd invite Red Rain, Loko and Casual Tyke just to take one for the team!
Well that would be good Helen, but I'd stick to my beloved Leffe. I think that Red Rain would look at the chemical composition of the Brewdog and explain why it wasn't sustainable as a brew. Casual Tyke would tell us why the brew was a sinister plot that would lead to forced vaccination and the inevitable resurgence of Donald Trump. Loko would disagree with them both! Should be some debate!
A musical evening with Mr C and John Peachy would be right up my street. We could also talk about how much better it was watching football in the 70s. Not sure about the third choice... torn between Brush, Titus, Jay, Jamdrop, Helen... and about a hundred others. Far too many likeable people in this place!
I'd probably go back in time and invite:- Kanecat Posh Tyke Guest 42 Proud to have known each and every one of them!
Impossible to select just three. I’ve met the majority on here I think and there are some grand folk amongst them. A handful are some of the warmest, funniest and most generous people I know. They know who they are. Here’s to 2022!
Simple for me. The 3 I know most in person Biglil Jay Mario Always will have the time for all 3 any time of day. I would quite easily meet up with everyone, despite differences now and again, this BBS is always there when folk need it. And I'm not always an @rse. So, happy new year everyone. Hope next year is better than what most of us have been served up last couple of years Much love and all that
@pontyender @Jimmy viz @Tyketical Masterstroke Get 2022 off to the best possible start with some good old friendly debate
I genuinely couldn't pick three, there are some absolutely lovely people on here, including all those I've had the pleasure of meeting.
I would have a marquee with a bar and all of you would be invited. Some folks I would spend hours talking to and some I would just listen to and chuckle ...
How is Mario, he hasn't posted on here for a bloody long time but always came across as a decent chap.
Oooo..good question.. Hooky writes some good stuff Mr C is always interesting Redhelen for definite Steven Dawson. Biglil.. Arabian Ian.... ye....a few really
Actually Helen I am self-opiniated, verbose and quite often (according to my wife who has first hand experience) on occasions a P.I.T.A. She also says I have endearing features and hidden talents (although I believe the latter is the main reason she is still with me after all these years as she is still looking for them after which "she's off!) However, I like to be host (mainly cooking for a very small number 4 or 5 gatherings most) I am uncomfortable in large groups involving 'mingling' as, due to many years of playing live in various bands I have a little trouble picking out conversation where there is a lot of background noise so find myself on the periphery of the little groups that form. That said, I try not to get so 'intense' when it comes to topics of conversation and avoid politics etc. (something I have recently increasing tried to do on this BBS ). Socially I am happiest when out 'gigging' with my wife who after many years and some coaching I only recently found out can sing! Unfortunately gigs, for the obvious reason are very hard to come by even though , since it is now a hobby and I am no longer pro, we don't need the money and 'go out' for expenses, free food and drink - Happy New Year and let's all hope for a better one than the last 2!
I think you’re spot on mate, there’s too many people that I really like to narrow it down to 3….I need to change my original question to…if you had a marquee…..