I can understand why a club would take a gamble on him. He’s got all the physical attributes & is good going forwards. Most managers will believe they can coach him to be better defensively
I’m sure the fans will learn to appreciate his casual stroll back into position whenever the opposition are on the attack.
He might be alright now. We’ve had loads of players play for us in the last few years who were totally out of their depth who turn out to have decent careers. Mainly because they are about 9 years old when we thrust them into the Championship. By the time they get to mid 20’s they have matured a lot.
To be fair to him,he looked brilliant on trial at Huddersfield, then surprisingly turned up with us. He was more a winger/wing back for me,had talent, sometimes looked unfocused.
Will never forget the goal we conceded @ Boro when Struber just took over, he was an absolute disgrace
Talented player and built like a God. But he wouldn't listen to the manager and he simply couldn't be bothered to track back. An opposition manager made reference to this in a post match interview. He said that they knew this about him and exploited it and that's why they beat us. Forgotten his name, a former player of ours. I've never heard a manager call out an opposition player like that before or since. That's how unprofessional Cavare was. Wasn't just on the field, there were instances of him not getting on the team coach and driving away from the ground because he wasn't in the first 11. He's a disgrace. He can play, but he's not worth tuppence.
wouldn’t track back,he wasn’t superman Stendel used to have both wing backs bombing forward all the time,when play broke down holding midfield and centre halves were supposed to cover the gaps ,sadly in few occasions they didn’t do this ,but how our fans expected the wing backs to be attacking and overlapping and then back defending a few seconds later ,must think they super human Cavare was too muscle bound for this anyway ,bet lactic acid was screaming in his legs after every run ,not his fault just how he was asked to play,as for rest of stuff you quote that’s all tittle tattle and If I was Norwich I would pay 2 pence for him
He didnt play in that game think we had William's as full backs. Cavare and pinnilos hardly played under stendel in championship.