The vouchers were promised on Murphy s watch. When Khaled was doing all his tidying did he not come across the voucher file?
You think that's bad he still hasn't acknowledged receipt of my 88 year old mother's letter when he closed the west stand....A letter that was addressed to him personally...... As you are aware she had to ask for her money back ...due to poor seat offerings when he closed it...... Guess what ....even though she was treated with contempt by him....the moment the club announced it was re opening her and the stepfather went straight in and repurchased their season tickets.....that's loyalty...and commitment to the club unlike these charlatans running our club into the much for transparency A transparency that only works when it suits him and the board For all the hard work that the likes of Beth whitey and Co put in...unfortunately it becomes worthless when the likes of the so called CEO and the board over shadow it all by acting like the 2hats they are.... In my opinion...The sooner they get out of town the better.....
Yet there are those that still jump to their defence at any and every opportunity. Trying to shut down any criticism as soon as it appears on here. Some are so keen to do the shielding of the board you'd think they were on their pay roll.
If I'd appointed him and he'd performed like he did in that first round of interviews, the Watford/Man City leave my phone off thing, the 'we did alright in the league but we couldn't sell any players' thing, and the 'I've decided to close the West Stand, but I'm not telling you why' thing, erm 'Safety, that's it', then I wouldn't let him speak to the press either.
But he has made a great appointment of our new head coach, look at the improve..... nope I can’t think of anything he has done even remotely competently
GG wouldn't have ignored a letter like that. I really feel for your mum, manners cost nothing and a reply acknowleging it is the very least she deserved after being a season ticket holder for so long.
I don’t mind the fact that he’s been unavailable for 2 months and don’t expect him to be at fans beck and call to answer questions. I’d much rather he was spending the time running the club successfully than at regular press conferences. BUT as others said he made a commitment to come back with an answer and should have by now, even if it was confirmation that the money was used to make a payment. That failure falls on him alone.
I think you’re overestimating how many of those people exist. It’s almost zero. What some people do challenge back on is over the top criticism that morphs a quote or incident in to something it wasn’t. That doesn’t mean that people are defending the club, and often are in agreement on the original criticism, but want it to remain valid rather than connecting dots to get to a point that is way too far away from reality.
That’s because they aren’t. There’s no hiding other than you seemingly wanting everyone to feel exactly as you do and anyone who doesn’t must be employed by the club.
The Voucher File, not to be confused with the Vouchophile, someone who gets off on corroborating other people's stories.
I think he may regret saying he'll get a answer on the £750k as he likely won't be able/allowed to supply a satisfactory one. We'll see how good he is at his job when he trys to convince everyone to renew after this complete shambles of a season.
I wonder if he's tied up shaking his head actually contemplating relegation or does he still not think that thry should worry about it ?