Moaning buggers at it again. They simply don't want jobs in their area. A bunch of Nimbies the lot of them.
I had plenty of evidence over the years. Ask Joe haywood how he and his cronies how they paid £1 for the big building on the corner of Sheffield Rd. Ho and how much of the £350,000 they spent on it. Which was given from coalfield regeneration Trust? Ho and ask the council and him why they had to sack the fiddling project manager who was in it with him
Ho and I provided plenty of evidence to the chairman of the coalfield generation Trust, but they chose to sweep it under the carpet for political and bad press issues
So. In effect individual corrupt employees. Can happen in every public and private service industry. Including god forbid The NHS. But would you use the same tone against them. Corruption is not tied to certain organisations but the individuals they unwittingly employ .
I have never or ever will keep my trap shut if I have something to say I say it. You or nobody else will change that prat
Gin ..mmmm..I'm staring at a bottle of it now and i know it'll rot my guts all the way through our torrid second half performance against Barrow. Does Father Christmas "yo"? Perhaps in the Bronx. Anyway, you sidetracked me, because i was supposed to be posting that the Council could well sell land that they didn't own. That would be if they were mortgagees of it. Happened on my watch every now and then when council tenants bought their houses with a council mortgage then thought better of paying off said mortgage. Nothing corrupt in that of course. Happy New Year!!