My post is really about fans stopping away or boycotting the club while Conway etc are in charge. I believe as investors the only way now of getting their investment back is to sell our assets ie players. There will be insufficient money coming in from league 1, insufficient money coming in from the stands, no chance of growth or investment from them due to not owning the club and ground outright. We are at a standstill at the minute and either the supporters or the owners need to change their stance with the coach and players in the middle. Neither look to be budging to me and the team in the middle can't do it without support from the owners and the crowd.
that's why it needs to be co ordinated . Numbers dropping on their own won't achieve anything. ( excuses will be made Covid, job losses whatever) Concerted protest will.
I forgot to add that these owners are investors not local business men with the town and community at heart like Dennis and Cryne it's a whole different game now.
They're not investors though, as they're not putting anything in. Like I could buy a property, do it up nicely and achieve a good rent or I could buy the same property rent it as it is leave it and trust to the rise in property prices to make my profit, whilst ripping out all the period features and selling them second hand. Our owners are doing the second.
The BBS I don’t think is a good barometer of Barnsley supporters. I think you’d be surprised how few would continue to follow the club in the really low tiers.
They invested their original £20m I thought to buy out Cryne. That's the investment no more coming and they will get a return someway or another.
I get your point but if you're born and bred in Athersley Penistone, Worsbrough or Wombwell and AFC Barnsley are at a lower level then you'd watch your local team not Barnsley or Man City. The other alternative would be just not bother watching anyone
i think it’s actually one of the best. It has the widest cross section of Barnsley fans you are likely to find.
Agreed. To be honest though, BFC apart, I got far more enjoyment watching non league football than the upper levels before I left the UK. It seemed much purer in my eyes though, of course, money is key to an extent at any level. If there was to be a phoenix BFC, however, it would quickly rise back to at least League Two level given the support it would get. Beyond that would depend, once more, on the ownership model.
I'd say there would be plenty enough to get us back into the league. I was living in Chester when they had to start again from scratch. Their fans had a whale of a time watching them win most weeks, being the big fish etc.
I can only speak for myself, but once I stop going to Oakwell to watch Barnsley Football Club, I stop going to watch live football full stop. If it's not Barnsley, it's no one. For me, it's not like stopping going to your favourite shop and choosing to shop elsewhere.
Simples, No BFC = no watching live pro football. No other team for me, not even local. I’m afraid I’d be a armchair/ couch spectator only
All im saying is thats what they have put in and they wont put anything else in, they are running the club by its own means no more money, its either successful or not, we have to accept it or not. Looks like we are not accepting it so if they dont go then back to my opening post. They will though at least want their money back.
Fair enough. Stopping watching BFC is an extremely difficult decision for me to take. It shouldn't be, but it is and after 54 years (53 as a season ticket holder) it's not something I do lightly or on a whim.
I've been watching BFC since 1968 through all divisions. So even though I detest what the present owners are doing I am too long in the tooth now to watch any other club apart from Barnsley FC. If you think it's bad now then believe me it was worse in the early 70s when we were in division 4 and struggling even then. I don't know how the future will pan out but once a red always a red for me.
Same here. Football is changing beyond all recognition, and not for the better. Take BFC out of the equation, and I wouldn't need to fill the gap with an alternative team. I'd just find other things to do. It was unimaginable to think I'd voluntarily stop buying season tickets, year on year, but that's where things are heading after this season. This season's are largely going to waste, too, thanks to our wonderful owners. I look forward to the day when I can return with a clear conscience, in the knowledge that the money I spend will be used for the football club's benefit.
I'm going to carry on supporting the lads for now. As horrendous as our position is, there's a chance it could turn around. The players deserve our support after last season. Having said that, if we're down at the end of January we need to start protesting at Oakwell!